you trained me how to show my girls who is the boss training wise and you was very nice to me when I joined here I've never forgotten that your a top bloke bro
Thankyou sir;) always happy to help.u were always very eager to learn .always pays off..fact is growers research is key.trail and error.alot.of fails before success .well me for me self taught.but afn is making life easier for growers;) also to know what a plant wants and when equals perfection everytime. If a grower has that ambition anything is possible.go.back 10 years from now.i didnt know how to grow anything. Now plant dna runs in my blood. A talent I never knew I had.everyday will always be a growing day in my life while im able to do the weed I say.keep it mean and green growers.keep safe.happy growing every1;):pass::cheers::salute:
It's absolutely crap weather, nearly make me want to forget about outdoors all together lol, the area I had intended to use is all overgrown now and theirs frogs everywhere so It must be in a swamp, oh and big ass hairy cattterpillers too,
Abandoned that area I think and look some more when out a cycle, but the weathers that unpredictable,
you could have a good run off good weather and get into flower and then boom, all gone I'm 10 mins with a mad weather, it would break your heart lol,
how your plans going @Daipot
On the upside the the ones I started for outside get to stay in the tent, haha

my outdoor ones have now been put into a shared pot. Got five plants in each, they were autos but I’ve had too put them under 12/12 to live with my photos. Tbh mate I’m throwing in the towel with it this year. If things pick soon I may start another outdoor round but then I’m looking at September finish and that’s when the weather gets dicey again. Saying that though it hasn’t stopped being dicey since last September lol. I am gutted though, I worked my bollacks off digging out the site too
@autobeast and @St. Tom lovely bit of gro bro love and respect goin on so ill take the chance to join in and say that it's thanks to you 2 guys that the UK presence here has boomed last lot of months.. 2 great growers and great guys when it comes to help advice and encouragement.. big up yourselves boys.. UK ranks swelling by the day on AFN and the credit goes to you 2 in my humble opinion.. legend's of the AFN game :pighug: :d5: :vibes:
@autobeast and @St. Tom lovely bit of gro bro love and respect goin on so ill take the chance to join in and say that it's thanks to you 2 guys that the UK presence here has boomed last lot of months.. 2 great growers and great guys when it comes to help advice and encouragement.. big up yourselves boys.. UK ranks swelling by the day on AFN and the credit goes to you 2 in my humble opinion.. legend's of the AFN game :pighug: :d5: :vibes:
I'll third this and include you in the list mate. From one grower to another this community has been amazing for me. The warm welcome is everything in a site like this I've been in forums of various subjects over the years from custom roms for mobiles, music samples and bootleg forums from my DJing days and most toxically photography forums and nowhere will you find a more united group all set on the same objective and more than willing to give their opinion where they can.
Props to all of you @St. Tom and @autobeast and also a mention to @Trichome farmer fantastic bunch and many more in there too
Happy Growing Gang
Everyday Growing is a Day Learning
@autobeast and @St. Tom lovely bit of gro bro love and respect goin on so ill take the chance to join in and say that it's thanks to you 2 guys that the UK presence here has boomed last lot of months.. 2 great growers and great guys when it comes to help advice and encouragement.. big up yourselves boys.. UK ranks swelling by the day on AFN and the credit goes to you 2 in my humble opinion.. legend's of the AFN game :pighug: :d5: :vibes:
your a huge part of this place bro and we all have the same goals but that's why I love this place people will try to help you reach that goal and the UK group is growing stronger daily and its the best its ever been :pass: :headbang:
I'll third this and include you in the list mate. From one grower to another this community has been amazing for me. The warm welcome is everything in a site like this I've been in forums of various subjects over the years from custom roms for mobiles, music samples and bootleg forums from my DJing days and most toxically photography forums and nowhere will you find a more united group all set on the same objective and more than willing to give their opinion where they can.
Props to all of you @St. Tom and @autobeast and also a mention to @Trichome farmer fantastic bunch and many more in there too
Happy Growing Gang
Everyday Growing is a Day Learning

Kind words bro.. and a serious mix of hobbys goin on there as well :crying: fair play to ya.. I think we've all found a UK canna home here :jointman:
So true. Right now I'm sitting next to my tomatoes in little pots at the window...
They are almost ... let me check ... 20" tall already.
Wanted to put them out weeks ago, but the risk of frost, then this freaky wind, rain and cold coming through now.
They are going to be so root-bound when they go outside this weekend. :p

Meanwhile my Seedstockers Round Two are just chilling inside in the weak sunlight....
This is the second set I've started for outdoors and the weathers just let me down evertime,
The farmers said the frost had gone 3 wk ago but it made an appearance at the start of thd week again so I made the right call and didn't send them to thier cold windy deaths, instead they got the hps treatment,
I'm still gona buy some strawberry roots tho and get me a barrel, drill holes around the sides and fill with soil, then plant the roots into the holes, that's the theory anyways