Any ideas when these are harvested? The interwebz says like 10 to 16 weeks, but I have no idea what kind of peas these are.
And, how tall they are... like, 4' plant in 2' pea field, nope!
Hello you have to be carefull around pea field's we had a lot of pigoen shooting on my pea field's and we set the hides in the corner's of the fields they grow up to 3 to 4 feet when we grow them so be careful coz us farmers are nosey basterds lol
Hello you have to be carefull around pea field's we had a lot of pigoen shooting on my pea field's and we set the hides in the corner's of the fields they grow up to 3 to 4 feet when we grow them so be careful coz us farmers are nosey basterds lol

And that is why we come to AFN to ask questions.
Great, yeah, really useful information there.
I'd imagine the farmers in general are very interested in what is going on on their farms.
These fields have public footpaths all across and around them, so there is foot traffic.
The peas are just an inch or two high right now.
Not sure how quickly they grow.

@Dell boy -- when are they harvested? Either month or total grow time.
I think these must have been sown around the start of this month.
Any ideas when these are harvested? The interwebz says like 10 to 16 weeks, but I have no idea what kind of peas these are.
And, how tall they are... like, 4' plant in 2' pea field, nope!
Best thing to do is ask the local farmers, they love a good chat about farm related stuff lol, and the local ppl too.
Make this happen for I too would love to see this :smokeit:
And that is why we come to AFN to ask questions.
Great, yeah, really useful information there.
I'd imagine the farmers in general are very interested in what is going on on their farms.
These fields have public footpaths all across and around them, so there is foot traffic.
The peas are just an inch or two high right now.
Not sure how quickly they grow.

@Dell boy -- when are they harvested? Either month or total grow time.
I think these must have been sown around the start of this month.
Hello july to end off august weather has big play in this they take 7 to 11 weeks from seed to harvest if you are going to use a field look for where the tracter's turn as there is allways a bit where they cant turn around in which allways get left that's where i would plant if the field if it has a ditch even better as they get left alone for the pheasant's to nest in on are land
Best thing to do is ask the local farmers, they love a good chat about farm related stuff lol, and the local ppl too.
Make this happen for I too would love to see this :smokeit:
lol i dont i is a missrable basterd and just tell them get offf my land
Best thing to do is ask the local farmers, they love a good chat about farm related stuff lol, and the local ppl too.
Make this happen for I too would love to see this :smokeit:
Is there no cob being grown near you? Sweet
Hello july to end off august weather has big play in this they take 7 to 11 weeks from seed to harvest if you are going to use a field look for where the tracter's turn as there is allways a bit where they cant turn around in which allways get left that's where i would plant if the field if it has a ditch even better as they get left alone for the pheasant's to nest in on are land
The only bod I know who has pulled off a grow did it in cob (animal feed corn), she chopped down plants in the middle of the field - and dug holes which she planted the pot with compost in - this was a quick photo plant called Mango and the weed was excellent. I've always fancied putting plants in recycle boxes and sticking them high in trees.
Is there no cob being grown near you? Sweet

The only bod I know who has pulled off a grow did it in cob (animal feed corn), she chopped down plants in the middle of the field - and dug holes which she planted the pot with compost in - this was a quick photo plant called Mango and the weed was excellent. I've always fancied putting plants in recycle boxes and sticking them high in trees.
I would not plant in a maze field as we spray them with a weed killer and i would be pissed as fuck with someone doing that in my fields and all so there is no set time for harvest and most cob/maze goes to arobic generator
So, is that a no to a scrog net, is that what you're saying?

There is a little section of the corner of the field, long grasses and stuff.
May be a possibility.
But rabbits.
Is there no cob being grown near you? Sweet

The only bod I know who has pulled off a grow did it in cob (animal feed corn), she chopped down plants in the middle of the field - and dug holes which she planted the pot with compost in - this was a quick photo plant called Mango and the weed was excellent. I've always fancied putting plants in recycle boxes and sticking them high in trees.
Dude I've got a massive field of cobs 20 ft from my back door every year... I never even thought of that... I bet I could get a good round of quick autos in the middle... I guess the farmers don't go near the middle until harvest? :vibes: :d5:
Dude I've got a massive field of cobs 20 ft from my back door every year... I never even thought of that... I bet I could get a good round of quick autos in the middle... I guess the farmers don't go near the middle until harvest? :vibes: :d5:
You're going to have to be very careful using someone's crop field as the farmers get very energetic when someone messes with their livelihood, the farmers round here would almost certainly offer violence