I never actually introduced myself. I'm John, long term smoker and pretty new grower with only my 2nd run on the go now.

I started off the way probably a few did, planted bagseed and as it grew I started buying bits, badly at first. Anyway got my set up sorted I'm the end. Just soil and 600w hps.

Once this run is over I'm going to take the tent down for a bit and just have a little experiment with autos in the garden. Anyway seems like a good bunch on here so wanted to say hello.

Hey John.. nice to meet ya brother.. long term smoker myself.. grower of autos only for 7/8 years soil and LED. Been on this forum since I started and learned almost everything I know on here.. nicest bunch of growers on the web easy :d5: :jointman: :vibes:
4 wee ones gettin on with it.. day 16
No problem matey.. so have you got water in the res or were you waiting til they got up a bit and just hand watering to start then switching to the res??
Exactly that, hand water for the first 14 days or so then fill the res half way. If the gauge starts to move down, you know the roots are in the res and then its plan sailing with the watering. Once a week I just top feed with the molasses mix to keep the microbes happy. I think I've aired on the side of caution with the watering, just misting the surface and feeding a tlbps of water from day 5, hopefully I haven't done to much harm and stunted them, they'll bounce back. I have a back germinating in case it's to late. :smoking:
Glad to have the tent in the garage now, got 4 finishing up in there and 6 small pots a fabric 2 in 1, and 3 nursery pots,
Tents on its side now too lol


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Hi Fellow growers, what do you think is going on with these two? The Kush came out the Root!t a little yellow, I thought she would green up, nothing to worry about and the Lemon Kix was fine yesterday and started yellowing this morning, slightly on her edges. I'm thinking they're just young and need time or do I have issues starting? I'm concerned about the taco new growth...

I've done a slurry test (1:1 biomix light/feed water) which came out as ph 6.4, temps 25-28C RH 59, light intensity was about 400umol I've lowered this to 250 after removing the humidity domes. After having the initial saturation of 2 litres last week, I've only lightly misted the surface, yesterday and the day before I fed 30ml plan 6.5 water around the base of the domes. :smoking:
In my opinion Dean, the issue was your light intensity..at the stage you showed the seedling 400 uMols is waaaay too much, can at the very least half that amount..they can't really use all of that light, so even 100-150 uMols would be fine, then increase gradually in small increments each week.

I know you already did turn it down, but my thinking is the damage was already done.

Exactly that, hand water for the first 14 days or so then fill the res half way. If the gauge starts to move down, you know the roots are in the res and then its plan sailing with the watering. Once a week I just top feed with the molasses mix to keep the microbes happy. I think I've aired on the side of caution with the watering, just misting the surface and feeding a tlbps of water from day 5, hopefully I haven't done to much harm and stunted them, they'll bounce back. I have a back germinating in case it's to late. :smoking:

Good job brother.. try to get into the swing of feeding daily until they're on your res. They should have been getting a bit more water but all is by no means lost. If your temps are in ideal range they'll use that 500ml you've fed in around 24/26 hours m8 so that's about when you'll be looking at watering same amount again :thumbsup: @ me if I can help ya any further.. ill be lookin in here anyway.
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They look the dogs, healthy and green, there's no way my girls will look like that in 10 days, smashing it, charlie big potato :joy:

Thanks m8.. theyre doin well apart from a small thrips attack lol I've learned all I know on here buddy.. we all have to start somewhere and no better place to learn than here. And I'm always glad to share any knowledge I've picked up.. gotta pass it on :cooldance: :d5: :karmacloud: