i just spray the outside with water just to keep it moist i know its a lot of faffing about but it works for me
I'll put this in the tent now to warm up for later. 500ml of 6.6ph water added, lets see what occurs :smoking:


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It’s one thing after another with my garden this week. Now the power keep tripping in the building I use due to water damage. It’s so bad that when I put the power back on it trips shortly after and the wall sockets start buzzing. Thankfully I have a trusted friend who is a very good electrician but he can see me until tomorrow evening. Fingers crossed he can fix it and I haven’t done much further damage to my grow. If the job is too complicated or too expensive to fix then my growing days are over .
It’s one thing after another with my garden this week. Now the power keep tripping in the building I use due to water damage. It’s so bad that when I put the power back on it trips shortly after and the wall sockets start buzzing. Thankfully I have a trusted friend who is a very good electrician but he can see me until tomorrow evening. Fingers crossed he can fix it and I haven’t done much further damage to my grow. If the job is too complicated or too expensive to fix then my growing days are over .
What a mare, I hope your sparky can sort it :goodluck:
It’s one thing after another with my garden this week. Now the power keep tripping in the building I use due to water damage. It’s so bad that when I put the power back on it trips shortly after and the wall sockets start buzzing. Thankfully I have a trusted friend who is a very good electrician but he can see me until tomorrow evening. Fingers crossed he can fix it and I haven’t done much further damage to my grow. If the job is too complicated or too expensive to fix then my growing days are over .
It’s one thing after another with my garden this week. Now the power keep tripping in the building I use due to water damage. It’s so bad that when I put the power back on it trips shortly after and the wall sockets start buzzing. Thankfully I have a trusted friend who is a very good electrician but he can see me until tomorrow evening. Fingers crossed he can fix it and I haven’t done much further damage to my grow. If the job is too complicated or too expensive to fix then my growing days are over .
It might be OK, get him to put a master seal over the socket your plugged into and attach to the wall, make sure any conduent is not transfering water or damp along the pvc pipe that holds the wires, or is it the main electric box that's affected, make sure your spark isolates the electric before yous start touching around anything incase you get a nasty shock, be safe,
Good luck
It might be OK, get him to put a master seal over the socket your plugged into and attach to the wall, make sure any conduent is not transfering water or damp along the pvc pipe that holds the wires, or is it the main electric box that's affected, make sure your spark isolates the electric before yous start touching around anything incase you get a nasty shock, be safe,
Good luck
He’s taken the effected sockets of the ring and left me with some working ones. I still need too plug everything in and let it run just too be sure but the problem is has fixed as it can be.
The extractor not running has turned my tents into a rainforest so I unfortunately need to harvest three plants tonight that I would have left go for another 2-3 weeks. I don’t wanna risk them getting bud rot when the lights come back on. Nevermind. Shit happens
He’s taken the effected sockets of the ring and left me with some working ones. I still need too plug everything in and let it run just too be sure but the problem is has fixed as it can be.
The extractor not running has turned my tents into a rainforest so I unfortunately need to harvest three plants tonight that I would have left go for another 2-3 weeks. I don’t wanna risk them getting bud rot when the lights come back on. Nevermind. Shit happens
Nobody wants a garden full of bud rot but at least there is good news thrown in. You'll be up and running in no time :smoking: :vibes:
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UK Mephisto drop for the UK store, Monday 22nd at 12:00GMT

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I've ditched the Biobizz over the roses and refilled the container @Dell boy. A light layer of perlite over the top and then 500ml of water added ready for tonights bean that' being shot glassed. When this pot goes under the lights later, should I be concerned with the soil becoming hydrophobic outside of the dome?
Hello dean how your girls going that you droped mine are coming up

Hello dean how your girls going that you droped mine are coming up
View attachment 1297069
View attachment 1297070
They're looking awesome, good job Dell. :smoking:The Fantasmo sowed last Tuesday nothing, Fantasmo planted Thursday, treble nothing, looks like another total failure.:shrug: I'm now starting to think all my seeds have somehow been effected. In total now that's 8 attempts with no results, they crack but just won't grow tails. I have fresh seeds and a heat mat arriving today and a bag of root riots this time round..