Uk and Europe guerrilla grow community.

I would definitely recommend autos for outdoors in the U.K. just to avoid the bad weather in late September - early October. The trouble with U.K. summers is how unpredictable they are; we are likely to get some rain the trick is to miss it in the last weeks of flowering. That’s why I choose to sow one or two seeds every week through April and May - I don’t have all my eggs in one basket.
In terms of site prep, it does depend on the soil at your site. My spot is covered in brambles and moss and the soil is clay so I’m going for cheap fabric pots as I think the improved yield is worth the risk of losing my pots.
I am going to experiment with direct planting though; I’m going to make some pots out of paper to grow the seedlings in then I’ll bury the paper pots at the site once I have small tough little plants. The paper will decompose and the roots will be able to grow through it.
As for the wire, why do you think it’s necessary?
I've got loads and loads of auto seeds I can use and a few sites, but Gona use the one I have just a short walk down the road, I can see with binoculars from home lol,
I might set up the green house at it and camo it up abit,
The wire Im just thinking it would keep it safer from wildlife like rabbits, not wire the green fabric mesh stuff ,,would block any stong wind,.

Would it be better using the fabric pots I have, the soils very sandy at the site and the whole area,
I've got loads and loads of auto seeds I can use and a few sites, but Gona use the one I have just a short walk down the road, I can see with binoculars from home lol,
I might set up the green house at it and camo it up abit,
The wire Im just thinking it would keep it safer from wildlife like rabbits, not wire the green fabric mesh stuff ,,would block any stong wind,.

Would it be better using the fabric pots I have, the soils very sandy at the site and the whole area,
I think it really depends on all sorts of factors, why not experiment and try both pots and direct in the ground? :)
Cool! Make sure you position it so that the wind can blow through it!
That's the plan.
12 l fabricpots and light mix I think I'm Gona do, maybe 3 or 4 in the greenhouse down the road lol,
does that sound doable ?
I'd start them all at home and take them to the site.
Gona make a cold frame in the back garden, and grow some in it too as i acquired a load of green house glass panels tonight from a beat up one at a house due to be demolished, I'm also Gona try some direct into amended soil,.
I've got big plans,
this site is definitely a bad influence but I love it haha :vibe: :headbang::smokeit:
That's the plan.
12 l fabricpots and light mix I think I'm Gona do, maybe 3 or 4 in the greenhouse down the road lol,
does that sound doable ?
I'd start them all at home and take them to the site.
Gona make a cold frame in the back garden, and grow some in it too as i acquired a load of green house glass panels tonight from a beat up one at a house due to be demolished, I'm also Gona try some direct into amended soil,.
I've got big plans,
this site is definitely a bad influence but I love it haha :vibe: :headbang::smokeit:
Man definitely. Go for it. Keep us posted on developments!
I would definitely recommend autos for outdoors in the U.K. just to avoid the bad weather in late September - early October. The trouble with U.K. summers is how unpredictable they are; we are likely to get some rain the trick is to miss it in the last weeks of flowering. That’s why I choose to sow one or two seeds every week through April and May - I don’t have all my eggs in one basket.
In terms of site prep, it does depend on the soil at your site. My spot is covered in brambles and moss and the soil is clay so I’m going for cheap fabric pots as I think the improved yield is worth the risk of losing my pots.
I am going to experiment with direct planting though; I’m going to make some pots out of paper to grow the seedlings in then I’ll bury the paper pots at the site once I have small tough little plants. The paper will decompose and the roots will be able to grow through it.
As for the wire, why do you think it’s necessary?
Why don't u use a biodegradable cup
Glass I got from an old beat up green house down the street,
Got 3 pieces and still got more to get,
This will help build me a good cold frame


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You're well on it @THE BEAR mate, top planning!.. mind you, another month and it'll be time to start hatdening off the first lot of autos...
About your question of planting photos, that can be done anytime until September and the equinox on the 22nd?.. depending on how big ya want them to get in veg?!.. Good luck anyhow, keep us updated...
Easy now!..
I just got back from the plot. The location changed slightly as a found an area more secluded nearby, all the grass/ferns have been dug out and I am very surprised by the quality of the soil underneath, it’s very rich and no clay!!! I’ve attached some pics of this mornings work.

when leaving said plot though I did find a cigarette packet quite close by. It’s the only bit of rubbish I found, and I was looking for signs of people walking by and found none. The packet is reasonably fresh, within six months old. This has spooked me a little but I’ll go back to the plot in around two weeks too turn the earth over again and I’ll have another look for evidence of people going near the site.
