Mephisto Genetics Tyrone Special and supersoil - one last grow

My super soil grow is taking a left turn as well. I'm thinking of switching to organic nutes no super soil. What you got your eye on for the sale? I'm thinking of doing a mix pack. Beary white, sour crack, and alien vs triagle. Like you if I can save enough I will get a seven pack but right now 3 pack is where I'm at.
My super soil grow is taking a left turn as well. I'm thinking of switching to organic nutes no super soil. What you got your eye on for the sale? I'm thinking of doing a mix pack. Beary white, sour crack, and alien vs triagle. Like you if I can save enough I will get a seven pack but right now 3 pack is where I'm at.
I use jobes organic 4-4-4 spikes and free flow nutes and ive pulled over an ounce off of a toof decay in about 65 days and an ounce off a grape crinkle.
I'm looking at 24 carat and maybe hubbabubbasmelloscope and for fun a mystery mix. probably 3 of each. they hook you up when you buy from them normally so i can't wait to see what they send out
Do you ever grow more than one at a time? And how did you like that tooth decay I think my girl would like a sweet tasting lady.
I grew the toof decay and grape crinkle at the same time. i loved the toof decay, it smoked well and went fast.
I would never use jobes spikes thats for flowers not cannabis. You'd be better off with no nutrients.
I completely disagree. jobes organic 4-4-4 spikes and free flow are simply BIOZOME, BONE MEAL, FEATHER MEAL, SULFATE OF POTASH. The SDS (or MSDS depending on how you know the shorthand for material safety data sheet) is right here too for you to review it's as safe as any other organic you use. it's the non-organic things like fox farm that are bad for you which is why you flush a chemical and artificial nutrient based grow.
Isn't Mary Jane a flower too? She's not as pretty as a rose to most but still I thought she was a flower.
yes it is, a flowering weed.
Ive used them before never liked them. But everyone does things different to each is own I guess. I would never put any seeds in soil from walmart or use any nutrients from them also. Im picky.
Ive used them before never liked them. But everyone does things different to each is own I guess. I would never put any seeds in soil from walmart or use any nutrients from them also. Im picky.
i can respect that. jobes is just something you can get anywhere. i picked it for ease of use and the good results i got before. I had discussed it with @pop22 and he didn't think it would pose any threat. I use promix as my main base mix and tried ffof this grow with no success, super soil so far is not too bad, but i still am not sure i like super soil or not.
I used them like 7 years ago for outdoor grows they did enough to get some okay results. Pormix is pretty damn good fox farms has tons of issues with ph and just not every bag is the same plus its a bit too wood chippy. Thats what im running now is ocean forest but I amended and flushed set ph with it and added some other stuff to make it to my liking. My land lord is gonna get me a pallet of black gold since he has a lawn care company. Im still trying to find that perfect mix but it takes time. @MissUniverse
My tyrone speciql isn't doing well. I muwtq got the super soil wrong. I'm doing a double grape with my Jones ferts hoping ibget a decent yeild on everything since I've consistently pulled over an ounce from each plant I grow that way. I'm just hoping I get one great harvest. I know I need to stop but I keep delating the inevitable so I can grow more.