Mephisto Genetics Tyrone Special and supersoil - one last grow

I think i have nutrient burn. it started to get yellow and now one leaf is starting to fade and there's stalled growth. im hop;ing it pulls through but it doesn't look too good. If this doesn't work, i give up. I must not meant to be a good grower. positive vibes are needed, im getting discouraged :(
Don't give up! You should see the craziness happening in my tent this grow. It just means I'm not quite there yet, but I will be! So will you!!!

I relate my plants to my kiddos a lot. Everytime one of them misbehaves I can't assume I'm a horrible parent. Sometimes there's just stuff happening I don't understand and I do my best to correct it. That's all we can do.
it's dead, the leaves all turned brown and are brittle as can be. i dont know what i did wrong, i put the supersoil in the bottom part and the regular soil in the top part, ive never had a plant do this before (I've had them do other things but not this). I really don't have the time to start another seed and try it out, i only have one tyrone special left. i can't afford to lose the seed because i don't have the money for any more. i can't understand what i did wrong. was it mixing the promix with ffof or did i somehow use too much super soil? I just don't know. im very upset and frustrated. My only idea is to rip it out, dump all the soil and just go with the nutrients that i know work. Supersoil seems to be a no go for me.

I might just put all the soil in to a consiner and consider it all super soil and mix it around, but geeze this bites and im just disappointed. I *NEVER* have a grow that goes right.
I'm sorry :( that sucks. As early on as it is I don't think that plant would make it to the super soil. I'd hate to see you give up but I understand.

Maybe take a pic if you can and one of the people here will have a clue.
Did you have the ffof in the top part?
yes i did. im going to dump the soil abd go with promix and just a small amount of super soil. maybe the ffof was too strong for a seedling even though it was mixed with promix. i just need a few days to regroup.
I dumped the soil in to another cointainer, added a lot less super soil and put in just promix for the top layer, put my last tyrone special in to a paper towel and am awaiting it to sprout. i was upset, but im giving it one more go since im just learning how to use supersoil
new bean popped a lot faster than the other one, i just planted it. i have a good feeling. a lot less super soil and so if i need to add nutes ill add some organic nutes
Starting slow on nutes is a good plan. Underfed is always better than overfed, especially new sprouts. Once they build a nice rootball they can handle nutes much easier. Hope your new girl smashes it.
Starting slow on nutes is a good plan. Underfed is always better than overfed, especially new sprouts. Once they build a nice rootball they can handle nutes much easier. Hope your new girl smashes it.
agreed, i just didn't think it would be a problem but i should have kept the ffof lower and less super soil. im looking at the super soil as a supplement to the regular nutes i use, that or hopefully ive used enough