Mephisto Genetics Tyrone Special and supersoil - one last grow


I put metal in the microwave
Cultivators Club
Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score
I found I have just enough time for one more grow... for now. And I'll be trying to do it with supersoil.

Bean popped yesterday and was planted. I am currently waiting for the seed to break the soil.

Set up

Light: Mars Hydro 300
Grow Space: 24*24*36inch stealth tent
Soil: 1 part Promix 1 part ffof and supersoil
Container: Airpot 3gal
Seeds: Mephisto Tyrone Special
Nutrients: supersoil
Seed germination start date: October 14, 2016
Start Date: October 16, 2016
Day 1: October 18, 2016
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Good luck ma'am hope it works well. I tested my mars 300 in my 2x2 last night to see if I could combine it with my refector 48. It got to 97 degrees in about an hour. I have a fan that blows in cool air still got that high from a normal 79 or 80. How does yours fair in the tent?
Good luck ma'am hope it works well. I tested my mars 300 in my 2x2 last night to see if I could combine it with my refector 48. It got to 97 degrees in about an hour. I have a fan that blows in cool air still got that high from a normal 79 or 80. How does yours fair in the tent?
Thank you, mine gets to about 78-80 with a fan blowing but as temperature drop the tent gets in to the mid 70's. I haven't seen heat stress yet but then again I'm just on my third/fourth grow and finally am getting around to trying supersoil. Last two were simply done with Jobes organic fertilizer and so they didn't get huge but my toof decay fared well and everything was good.

I expect my grow will remain in the mid to high 70's to a Max of 82 (that's the hottest my tent has gotten). Mephisto beans tend to do well in conditions a little less than optimal.
My Tyrone special peeked up and said hello today
Day 1
I think i have nutrient burn. it started to get yellow and now one leaf is starting to fade and there's stalled growth. im hop;ing it pulls through but it doesn't look too good. If this doesn't work, i give up. I must not meant to be a good grower. positive vibes are needed, im getting discouraged :(
Just means that one was a dud. I had 2 not even crack on my first go. Can't give up there just keep pushing on soak another seed if you got one.

If you give up I'm sending Donald trump to your house on a bus and you can guess what he's gonna do to you. So keep trying.