Outdoor types of pots for outdoor grows

One Love

Sep 9, 2015
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Looking for sugestions on types of pots to use for outdoor auto grow in hot conditions around 90-98 degrees or 32-38c . Heard all kinds of ideas such as: smartpots wraped in burlap sack which you wet down daily so the sack can cool by evaparation still allows pot to breath though, heard about buring 5 gallon bucket 3/4 of the way down and mulching the top, and finally the ceramic or clay pot you soak in water and then losley bury it almost tothe top in the ground and fill the void with sand that can then be watered down during the day to keep pot cool which in turn keep the roots cool. Any feed back on ideas, adjustments, mods, or any pther ideas whether new or past experiences please let me know. ONE LOVE
If your thinking of burying the pot in the ground, why not grow in the ground from the start and forget the pot? You'll get a bigger plant plus the roots won't get fried from being in a hot pot, just my tuppeny's worth
I've used contractor garbage bags, fabric bags and fabric bags with grow bags inside as a liner to slow down water loss. However my conditions while dry are very different from yours. I also bought 5 lbs of Water Keep polymer to add to soil mixes but I've never really loved it (kept roots too damp in the fall but maybe I added too much).
Thanks for all the replies the one reason us to be able to pick up pot in case of tropical storms spring storms tornados, prying eyes, a number of different reasons my friends "lo pro gro ya know." Were not quite legalized yet here. Just looking for the facts tho. Lol Thanks again ONE LOVE. Please still leave ideas and experiences
If you are capable of watering daily if necessary, I'd recommend the technique known as plunging ... Plunging is where you put one pot into a hole and then put the plant into a similar pot and place that inside the first one ... the plants whole grow environment will be inside it's pot ... easily moved ... easily rotated ... keeps roots cooler than setting the pot on the ground ... quality plastic or clay nursery pots were made for this ... the bigger the better but remember 4 gals of wet dirt is heavy ... my NLBB & Bubblelicious grow below was fairly high temperature indoor grow ... outdoors those temps should be no problem ...
The plant has done well being sewn directly into the earth for millions of years. The earth is also the largest pot that is currently free to use and you dont have to buy soil from the store. You may want to till the soil and ad some azomite to the soil though get extra minerals . The pot even self waters. Only drawback is that its hard to move around ..