It's all about the Trichomes
I've had some issues lately with nite lockout from using hard water. It worked fine with no effects for awhile but slowly built up solids. I did flushes on all the plants and it took a lot of water to get the ppm down but still damage was done and they are starting to come back around. I bit the bullet and bought a RO system and am almost done building my ebb and flow system ill post pics and discribe my thinking and how it will work. Its kinda a cross between a dutch bucket and oxypot system.
I've had some issues lately with nite lockout from using hard water. It worked fine with no effects for awhile but slowly built up solids. I did flushes on all the plants and it took a lot of water to get the ppm down but still damage was done and they are starting to come back around. I bit the bullet and bought a RO system and am almost done building my ebb and flow system ill post pics and discribe my thinking and how it will work. Its kinda a cross between a dutch bucket and oxypot system.