Dinafem Tx Mark does the Dinafem 2 step

Ya I’ll be a lot more careful with rocbudinc seed since it just now stood up today! Looks like I’ll be having to transplant toofless today too cuz noticed the damn thing has grown up to the top of my 10.5” tall dome lid! Hopefully roots are decent and I don’t run into any issues cuz this was so y’all and lanky had to use that ring off a water bottle to add extra soil to hold stem stable!
Looking like u can see baby rocit fuel peeking into the photo! Fingers crossed and hopefully I don’t manhandle TA cuz thinking I need to move it over today! Oh Señor Slow is there any specific specs I need to get or brand you’d recommend for me changing my autocob chip for a 6500k?? Wanna get that here ASAP so I can swap it and box up the hot ass cfl pigtails! Thanks
Ya I’ll be a lot more careful with rocbudinc seed since it just now stood up today! Looks like I’ll be having to transplant toofless today too cuz noticed the damn thing has grown up to the top of my 10.5” tall dome lid! Hopefully roots are decent and I don’t run into any issues cuz this was so y’all and lanky had to use that ring off a water bottle to add extra soil to hold stem stable!
View attachment 1175807 Looking like u can see baby rocit fuel peeking into the photo! Fingers crossed and hopefully I don’t manhandle TA cuz thinking I need to move it over today! Oh Señor Slow is there any specific specs I need to get or brand you’d recommend for me changing my autocob chip for a 6500k?? Wanna get that here ASAP so I can swap it and box up the hot ass cfl pigtails! Thanks
Citizen are what I use. Bigsmo may have some on his site? I would have to look. I can pm you the details if you need them. Peace, slow
Citizen are what I use. Bigsmo may have some on his site? I would have to look. I can pm you the details if you need them. Peace, slow
If you don’t mind I’d appreciate it buddy! I’ve tried tagging BigSm0 on here and pm’d him on IG but hasn’t answered me at all! Wanna grab a 6500k or at least 5000k chip to swap on mine so I can use it as veg light before I move em under the qb’s! :thanks:
Ok today was day 12 since standing up in the rootmakers and I’m thinking I shoulda let em go few more days so cam @MrOldBoy @slowandeasy can 1 of u fellas tell me if these were ready or lil early so I know what to do with other 2 still in their rootmakers and chilling til I’m sure
Cookies here cbd pic won’t load but was lil behind this 1 actually
View attachment 1175205 Thinking shoulda gone lil longer but too late for them now! Here they are all potted up!
Cookies Auto
View attachment 1175207
And CBD Kush Auto
View attachment 1175206 Waiting to move forward on other 2 seedlings til I hear if it’s actually time or not quite yet! So :thanks: in advance and til then I’m :oops1:

You definitely could have got away with a few more days in the starter pots but now they are in the finish pots they can get to work on establishing a great foundation :thumbsup:

Give it a week so they get used to their new homes and prepare for a growth explosion :pass:

Stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:

You definitely could have got away with a few more days in the starter pots but now they are in the finish pots they can get to work on establishing a great foundation :thumbsup:

Give it a week so they get used to their new homes and prepare for a growth explosion :pass:

Stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:

They’ve actually already started taking off! Got some healthy stems already! Fans are on high and they don’t budge! Been giving em a kelp foliar spray once or twice a day and man they loving it and coming along! Also got a humidity controller and going to get humidifier today cuz once I chop the last 2 in flower on Sunday then need to crank rh up cuz only sits 30-40% max (occasionally) so wanna get it up where they are in optimum conditions for explosive veg growth! Only doing 4 in a 4x4 so I can create some bushes! New lights also get here today so not trying to give it side rays from the flower light! Powers up too high and it’d roast em!
Kush CBD auto Day 18

Cookies Auto Day 18
Healthy girls moving right along! Once tent is rearranged and lights are all hung I’ll do a lil better update but here’s the girls as of now! Having to keep em on the outskirts of current lights so they catch some rays without catching on fire! :smoking:
Man seems like they are moving fast now cuz I def feel like I can see each day they are def bigger than the day before! These I kept soggy apparently in the rootmakers they were started in but being in these pots like 5 days they have certainly rebounded from transplant and are jut chugging along! :cooldance:
Kush CBD auto @Day 19
Healthy stems on em already!
Numero dos is Cookies Auto also @Day 19
Learning to pray already :thumbsup:
Coming along good so far so stay tuned to see how these 2 ladies progress now that they chugging along! :smoking:
Since I was talking them up in my other thread I gotta do an update for the dinafem sisters! :coffee:Think transplant was 9 days ago and the roots were super wimpy compared to what rootmakers typically do but 1st time using them I kept root zone too wet! :shrug:Regardless these babies are trucking along in the size and def getting bigger every day! :cooldance: Gonna have to do some maneuvering and manipulating soon to get some light to these lowers cuz they getting thick already! Gonna chop cover crop soon also!:tang:
Kush CBD Auto Day 23
Friggin cover crop once again outta control

Next up Cookies Auto @Day 23
Cover crop on this 1 also a thick jungle bush
Assuming the healthy and faster than usual growth is a combo of starting kelp foliar spray earlier than last use of it as well as not forgetting the neem/karanja cake for N and prob also the compost and EWC weren’t forgot so happier ladies during the veg process!:woohoo1:
:pass: qqq n keep em passing til I return!
Since I was talking them up in my other thread I gotta do an update for the dinafem sisters! :coffee:Think transplant was 9 days ago and the roots were super wimpy compared to what rootmakers typically do but 1st time using them I kept root zone too wet! :shrug:Regardless these babies are trucking along in the size and def getting bigger every day! :cooldance: Gonna have to do some maneuvering and manipulating soon to get some light to these lowers cuz they getting thick already! Gonna chop cover crop soon also!:tang:
Kush CBD Auto Day 23
View attachment 1179048View attachment 1179049 Friggin cover crop once again outta control
View attachment 1179050
Next up Cookies Auto @Day 23
View attachment 1179052View attachment 1179053 Cover crop on this 1 also a thick jungle bush
View attachment 1179051 Assuming the healthy and faster than usual growth is a combo of starting kelp foliar spray earlier than last use of it as well as not forgetting the neem/karanja cake for N and prob also the compost and EWC weren’t forgot so happier ladies during the veg process!:woohoo1:
:pass: qqq n keep em passing til I return!

Now they have more medium and are firmly established in their new homes we are definitely starting to see some vigour from these ladies :thumbsup:

Loving the frequency of the diary updates :pass:

Keep them coming :cheers:

Stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:

Ok now these babies are moving! :cooldance:Topdressed em with some Oly Mountain fish compost mixed with EWC like 70/30 Mon night and not even 48hrs later been crazy growth and plans changed! Planned on letting em go totally natural without topping OR TRAINING EM but man today I realized wasn’t an option! To hefty of lil bushes and needed opening without hacking tons of leafs off! Busted out the plant stakes and did work today!:headbang:
Kush CBD Auto @day29 1st

Here was today @Day 31....obv lol

Got her opened up as much as possible and will keep adjusting as necessary to try for a nice eve bush! :woohoo1:
Up next is Cookies Auto @day 29 1st

And today @day 31 (before shot up 1st)

After putting the plant stakes in opened nicely

This is only gonna be 2nd attempt at lst so hopefully now that I know what to expect with no training I know what to accomplish with it!:yay: Just gotta remember can’t just leave it days without checking and adjusting as needed! :doh: Prob more so with as fast as they moving now! :smoking:
Ok now these babies are moving! :cooldance:Topdressed em with some Oly Mountain fish compost mixed with EWC like 70/30 Mon night and not even 48hrs later been crazy growth and plans changed! Planned on letting em go totally natural without topping OR TRAINING EM but man today I realized wasn’t an option! To hefty of lil bushes and needed opening without hacking tons of leafs off! Busted out the plant stakes and did work today!:headbang:
Kush CBD Auto @day29 1st
View attachment 1181966View attachment 1181967
Here was today @Day 31....obv lol
View attachment 1181969View attachment 1181968View attachment 1181970
Got her opened up as much as possible and will keep adjusting as necessary to try for a nice eve bush! :woohoo1:
Up next is Cookies Auto @day 29 1st
View attachment 1181971View attachment 1181972
And today @day 31 (before shot up 1st)
View attachment 1181973View attachment 1181974
After putting the plant stakes in opened nicely
View attachment 1181975View attachment 1181977View attachment 1181976
This is only gonna be 2nd attempt at lst so hopefully now that I know what to expect with no training I know what to accomplish with it!:yay: Just gotta remember can’t just leave it days without checking and adjusting as needed! :doh: Prob more so with as fast as they moving now! :smoking:

They've definitely kicked into a higher gear now and we are getting some lovely growth now :thumbsup:

Looking good in here :cheers:

Stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:
