Dinafem Tx Mark does the Dinafem 2 step

Ok today was day 12 since standing up in the rootmakers and I’m thinking I shoulda let em go few more days so cam @MrOldBoy @slowandeasy can 1 of u fellas tell me if these were ready or lil early so I know what to do with other 2 still in their rootmakers and chilling til I’m sure
Cookies here cbd pic won’t load but was lil behind this 1 actually
Thinking shoulda gone lil longer but too late for them now! Here they are all potted up!
Cookies Auto

And CBD Kush Auto
Waiting to move forward on other 2 seedlings til I hear if it’s actually time or not quite yet! So :thanks: in advance and til then I’m :oops1:
Ok today was day 12 since standing up in the rootmakers and I’m thinking I shoulda let em go few more days so cam @MrOldBoy @slowandeasy can 1 of u fellas tell me if these were ready or lil early so I know what to do with other 2 still in their rootmakers and chilling til I’m sure
Cookies here cbd pic won’t load but was lil behind this 1 actually
View attachment 1175205 Thinking shoulda gone lil longer but too late for them now! Here they are all potted up!
Cookies Auto
View attachment 1175207
And CBD Kush Auto
View attachment 1175206 Waiting to move forward on other 2 seedlings til I hear if it’s actually time or not quite yet! So :thanks: in advance and til then I’m :oops1:
Looks like you were s little hewvy on the water. The roots look thin, which means they were kept a little too moist. If they trsnsplanted fine, you are fine! I suggest using a spray bottle on Rootmakers. Mine get thick white roots when watered that way. But 1x heavy hand or keeping too moist will thin the roots out. No big deal, just letting you know how to improve root growth in future. Good luck. Wbst dsy were they on?
another day wouldn’t of hurt but as slow stated suspect too wet ......

I recommend Bottom Watering - can I suggest you watch this video - talks about watering in detail .... 20 questions answered with first two being watering .... This guy knows his stuff - highly recommend his videos - good stuff!

another day wouldn’t of hurt but as slow stated suspect too wet ......

I recommend Bottom Watering - can I suggest you watch this video - talks about watering in detail .... 20 questions answered with first two being watering .... This guy knows his stuff - highly recommend his videos - good stuff!

I prefer to spray my top of soil with spray bottle and 100% of the time with Coco I bottom feed my seedlings til trsnsplant. Soil can be overmoistend when top waterjng way too easily at the Seedling stage. 1x too wet does many days of slow growing roots as a result. Less is more. When bottom dunking, go light. We want the medium moist, NEVER wet. Peace, slow
Today’s day 13 on the 2 dinafem I moved over and I have the 2 mephisto I haven’t moved yet and they are on 13/14! The toofless stretched real bad so didn’t wanna break it’s long neck trying to move it too early! And since I just started
The rocbudinc seed I’ll make sure I use my spray bottle going forward! But ya they did transfer easy peasy into the holes once I got outside edge of soil wet m slid that rootmaker out the pot n slip in the lil 1 like a jigsaw puzzle! Guess I can use gold glue since nowhere near as stretched and check the mephisto roots tomorrow! Or should I wait til I can see the roots looking thru the holes on the outside? Don’t wanna risk sliding it off and once again having to slip back into the rootmaker! Thanks
Today’s day 13 on the 2 dinafem I moved over and I have the 2 mephisto I haven’t moved yet and they are on 13/14! The toofless stretched real bad so didn’t wanna break it’s long neck trying to move it too early! And since I just started
The rocbudinc seed I’ll make sure I use my spray bottle going forward! But ya they did transfer easy peasy into the holes once I got outside edge of soil wet m slid that rootmaker out the pot n slip in the lil 1 like a jigsaw puzzle! Guess I can use gold glue since nowhere near as stretched and check the mephisto roots tomorrow! Or should I wait til I can see the roots looking thru the holes on the outside? Don’t wanna risk sliding it off and once again having to slip back into the rootmaker! Thanks
My guess is you kept too moist. Its not horriblex but noticeable by root thickness. TA is a stretching strain, mine did too. Its natural. Gold Glue is shorter, it wont stretch nearly as much. If the Mephisto look good on top, NOT HUNGRY...let them go a couple of days to build roots. Moving forward, use your spray bottle instead. Water with spray bottle. Spray the top a little and then spray the holes. Or you can LIGHTLY bottom feed and spray tops to keep moist. But with the tendency for soil to get too moist easily, Spray bottle is superior for Rootmakers and my needs. Also, I suggest directly planting your next seed in final pot. You wont have to worry about trsnsplanting and if you use Juniors, you cant overwater really. Good luck, slow.
My guess is you kept too moist. Its not horriblex but noticeable by root thickness. TA is a stretching strain, mine did too. Its natural. Gold Glue is shorter, it wont stretch nearly as much. If the Mephisto look good on top, NOT HUNGRY...let them go a couple of days to build roots. Moving forward, use your spray bottle instead. Water with spray bottle. Spray the top a little and then spray the holes. Or you can LIGHTLY bottom feed and spray tops to keep moist. But with the tendency for soil to get too moist easily, Spray bottle is superior for Rootmakers and my needs. Also, I suggest directly planting your next seed in final pot. You wont have to worry about trsnsplanting and if you use Juniors, you cant overwater really. Good luck, slow.
These the only reason I did em in the rootmakers is I had been starting in my closet without seedling tray and dome and it seemed like my plants looked wimpy compared to some people’s plants at same age when they can control the environment in their tent better! Plus this round I wanted to give the worms time to do their thing on the soil so figured putting soil and worms in while the lil ones were in seeding house & were getting big enough to transplant over! Wanted to have some killer roots by time soil was ready! Hopefully the mephisto 2 are lil stronger when I pop em out to move them over!
Thanks for the pointers too amigo!
Much appreciated, Mark
These the only reason I did em in the rootmakers is I had been starting in my closet without seedling tray and dome and it seemed like my plants looked wimpy compared to some people’s plants at same age when they can control the environment in their tent better! Plus this round I wanted to give the worms time to do their thing on the soil so figured putting soil and worms in while the lil ones were in seeding house & were getting big enough to transplant over! Wanted to have some killer roots by time soil was ready! Hopefully the mephisto 2 are lil stronger when I pop em out to move them over!
Thanks for the pointers too amigo!
Much appreciated, Mark
I completely understand. I am just trying to help you get the feel for the right moisture level to use for max Root building in the Rootmakers. The starter soil you use matters as well. For example, I have some Black Gold Organic seed starter snd it is VERY fluffy and has a little perlite in it. So it holds water differently. This is why I highly suggest spray bottle. Another reason I suggest it is because you have to actually lift the Rootmaker to water. This is important at this stage, because our hands are sble to feel the weight of the rootmaker. Its easy to tell if it is heavy or light. Tailor your spraying to the weight that is not too heavy and not too light. Moist, never wet....not even once. Even an old grower like me can accidently pour a little too much when top feeding. I got lazy one time and it showed by thin roots, because the roots seek moisture. In cups or rootmakers we want the bottom to be slightly more moist than the top if possible, so roots grow downward and out. That is why I strictly bottom feed my Coco clones and seedlings. But honestly soil is different and holds moisture way more than Coco. So you are better keeping the rootmakers lightly sprayed on top and in the holes vs top watering or even bottom..as it is possible to bottom dunk too much as well. But I find it almost impossible to overwater using a little sprsy bottle. This gives the soil light and even moisture vs soaking. I started 2 new seeds yesterday and was going to directly plant. However, I might use Rootmakers because of lack of space. I have a new tent coming and it will get tighter in the room. I am mulling over a couple different options. Including making a new SIP or using my Autopots on a couple because my rotation is slughtly behind shedule and I need more open space to directly plant if they are ready to plant tomorrow, which they will be ready to plant.
I am testing seeds for a couple breeders and was saving space for HSO testers, but they wont be sending them anytime soon according to Mark. Since Mark was kind enough to let me know the situation, i opted to start a couple Roc Bud strains. Iced Gushers and Passion Punch were dropped into water yesterday. I am saving 3 Autopots for Sour Crack beans to start this week as well. I am using an Earthbox Shower cap on the Autopots, they fit perfectly! Also taping plastic around the bases, basically sealing it off from potential pests. I will also be trying my Airdomes on them with soil for the first time. I have used them many times in Coco. They will be on a timer and run for only a few hours per day. Too much air is not good and can harm the Roots and dry out the medium too much. But I want to see how they do in soil on a small and fast strain like Sour Crack! FWIW, the Autopots hold the same amount of soil as the Juniors. But the height is higher on Autopots, so I will only use them on smaller strains. I guess we will see how they do soon. I have all 16 Earthboxes taken up for now and need to use Autopots to keep things rolling at full steam. I dont like to leave open spaces in my room ever and I created more space. Good luck, slow
Hell ya man and I can guarantee u it was from over watering cuz I was doing bottom feed on these putting water in the channels of the seedling tray and doing it every other day and on alternating days I was using a 5ml medicine syringe and watering along the walls top watering them so on the rocbudinc I’m still waiting on to break ground I’ll just use my spray bottle feeding it! I’m also letting the mephisto go today n maybe tomorrow without watering unless the roots look like they need to be transplanted before then! Appreciate the advice too cuz the main reason I was using the rootmakers was to get some good roots before moving so def wanna do what has best results! Oh and I know from watching on IG FullDuplex just ran a batch of Bobby’s widow in auto pots using the air domes and had killer results it looked like! :d5:
I will spray and bottom water but mostly bottom water ...... When you bottom water fill tray about 1/8” past ribs and let plants sit for 20 minutes and then empty ..... You can then spray mist to complete watering ...... Misting the four top corners and allow water to soak in, do not mist center part of the dirt ......

Watering starter pots are similar to larger fabic pots or any kind of pot, be it plastic, fiber, peat - whatever kind of pot the key is lifting the pot and knowing the weight of a full and empty pot ...... You could even have two pots on the side, one completely dry and the other well watered, no seeds, just pots and use them as judges for the seed pots ......

Lifting the pot is also important on when to transplant - just like baby bear we want it just right when transplanting- not too wet nor too dry .....

Spray or top watering comes with issues such as fungus growth and bottom watering only can leave the top too dry - so best case is both methods but again, pick up the pots and let the plant tell you when it needs more - can’t stress this enough ...... and only spray the four corners, this method works, I know from experience ......

Remember top reasons plants die or preform poorly is too mich water and too much fertilizer followed by too little of either as well!