Lighting Twin SE450s & Purple-Phenos

Day 7.

Waiting on two new LSD and Frisian Dew to sprout that went in soil a day ago, the top of the soil gets misted 2-3x a day.
The other six plants are growing good they all got there first feed this morning,

1ml/gallon of Rapid Start
5ml/gallon of CaMg
2.5ml/gallon of Silica Blast

pH'd to 5.9 -- each plant got about a liter of water.

The two Purp Mazar are the smallest thus far, I have a feeling those two are going to be problematic ahah.
Hoping to turn the cobs on in a few days, but I will then have the problem of two seedlings (once they sprout) in the garden with the cobs on -- hopefully I don't fry em.

Rock on AFN. Happy Growing! :thumbsup:


This Purp Mazar looking funky.

It's close to midnight here on the east side, so I will call this -- Day 10:

The two new ones sprouted and are two days old now. If you look closely in the pics you can see them lol. So one LSD and one Frisian Dew will be eight days behind the rest. But we officially have eight babies! Amazing growth on a day to day basis, it's astonishing really.. Amare's doing great thus far.
The tallest plant is at 4.5 " when it gets to 6" I will switch on cobs! :thumbsup:


Also, I'm getting to the stages where I need to decide what I'm going to do with these plants.. Top? LST? Both? Lol. I'm so undecided -- but I have two of each plant so I was thinking about Toping one and LST on the other and doing a little comparison, but I can't help to think about my last grow and remember that I got an extra 31grams from LST plant.. so I almost want to LST all of them.. (a lot of work though too) .. idk throw your opinions at me!

Rock on AFN! Happy Growing! :smoking: