Lighting Twin SE450s & Purple-Phenos

Towel wick.

Get a wide bottomed receptacle. Full with water. Wet a towel and hang from the pan, leaving part of the towel submerged. Then blow a fan on the towel. Done.

This is in my 2.5x2.5 tent. You will want a bigger one for your space. Maybe 2.
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Got it.. thanks brother!
Maybe you all can help me out! The leaves are curling down... and I thought for sure it was from overwatering but it's been three days since I watered, soil no longer feels moist or damp when I stick my finger in the medium. Temps at 79-82.. RH 30-40% lights are at 27" from top plants.

I was doing some research and N-TOX has similar attributes.. my CaMg has nitrogen in it, (GO CaMg+) and my feed (Floranova Grow) has N too. Last water I gave them 5ml CaMg and 1ml of FNG both per gallon. But I wouldn't think that amount would do it?:shrug:idk?

@Waira @MateraGaia @Yeatster @jingo @Ripper @shumway
