Lighting Twin SE450s & Purple-Phenos

Day 23

All the girls are getting just CaMg on there next feed -- some girls were already fed today others tommarow based weight of pot.

8ml/gal CaMg pH'd to 5.9- 6.0 -- they are getting about a gallon of water. ( the two smaller girls which are at Day 15 get about half gallon)

They are drinking and growing very fast. I'm always adjusting ties for LST and leaf tucking. I cut a few leafs off in moderation. Usually just ones covering budsites or undergrowth. I raised the light a bit more because both Frisian Dew were canoeing a bit -- they seem to be a bit touchy! One of Frisian seems to be runt lol.

Enjoy the pics!!
Rock on happy Growing.

Cannot believe the size of these stems at Day 23.. I'm not exaggerating, these stems are already bigger/thicker than my fully grown girls from my last Grow.. I'm assuming it's from these kick ass lights and SilIca Blast.

2 Frisian Dew

Frisian Dew undercarriage lol.


2 Black Cream

Purp Mazar upfront

Group shot!!!

Black creams - undercarriage

Purp Mazar
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Day 23
I raised the light a bit more because both Frisian Dew were canoeing a bit -- they seem to be a bit touchy!

Thanks for the intel on the frizian dew I think that maybe my next Plant of the month project.

Great work :pass: :slap: :bong:

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
Found this kind of shriveled up leaf on one of the black creams... It's only one, and I don't see any others at the moment. But I thought I would post it to see if anyone has ever seen anything similar to it? If there's an issue would like to catch it now...

No worries I am looking at it my self now my dark devil is looking bad just checked on her and more leafs have started to turn
Hey Burr great job on the recovery aspect. Great job in general, you are two days ahead of me so it's nice to see comparative pics. Just read all your posts, funny you sounds like me in my posts, over worried little bit about everything but that's awesome. Running new light as well so I know the growing pains you are going through. I had my light over 50 inches in the beginning. I had lots of questions regarding lst, lolypopping what not. I'm at day 21 now, gonna do some light LST tonight.
Good luck on everything, I will watch your grow.
Also a little trick, I have my girl hold piece of paper under the light when I'm taking pics, gets rid of those wave things I can see in some of the pics.