twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino Grow&show 2022

They look Thirsty but they will bounce right back, No worries.
It seems like a bunch of us are trying soil again!

@YoungGrassh0pper What medium are you using? Soil, Coco? Your plants look amazing!
yeah defiantly :doh: im up ing the watering but also trying not to drown them haha:smoking:
:yay1: I got peppers :cooldance:
Early Flower
Hotz & MSG update: 4 plants, lots of pics. 3 Hotz and 1 MSG. The coco plants.......

Well, the coco plants are absolutely killing it. The promix plants? As good as I usually do in soil! hah! I"m a convert.

Onto the fun stuff:

MSG: Promix/Airpot - Day 47

This one has perked up a ton and looks great aside a couple boogered leaves down low. Certainly prefers a lower feed strength, 50% is working well, at least in soil. Loads of budsites. Very pleased so far. Feed, water x4, repeat. Lots of extra water only days. pH from 6.3-6.6 on a gentle swing.



Hotz: Seed #4 : RainScience/Coco : Day 44

Absolutely massive plant in a 0.8 Gallon bag. Did a second defoliation down low as I was still having trouble being able to water easily. Taking around 2L per day split 1100 am and 900ml pm to maintain decent 20%ish runoff. Tons of roots poking out through the rain science bag. I should have gotten a root penetration pic. Some serous fingers reaching out.

Might be one of the last times out of the tent for pictures. Getting a bit too big to reach in and pull out.



Where do I stick the watering can?


Hotz : Seed #2 - The Coil. Coco/Airpot Day 47

Help! It's too big and it's gone too well! Seriously a problem plant due to it's size. I did not expect this. Defoliated a bit around the base as this one is just jam packed with branches and was difficult to water.

Taking 1500ml AM and PM watering sessions with barely 20% runoff. Bump to 4L/~1gal per day soon I suspect. Extremely even all around the periphery with one massive stalk bursting out the middle. Could have easily been topped/trained/spread a bit more.






And for comparison.....

Hotz: Seed #3 Day 47 - Promix/Airpot -


Day 13


She has some discoloration on her 1st set of leaves.

I think it's from water sitting on them. She had some drops on her from when I had her covered. New leaves look fine so no worries for now. I have my SP 3000 at 35% about 22" from her.

Stay lifted
My TrainWreck seeds from North Atlantic Seed Company should be here Friday. If they come in on time, that's pretty damn good service. Just got a 6pack, but got 4 free seeds. .............a Twenty20 2 pack of Snow-G FEM PHOTO and two of some other unnamed femmed photo. Made the seeds $7.35 each with total cost. Not too bad.

Realistically, still three weeks away to start. Sure will be interesting to see if I can manage two big photos in Earthboxes in a 4x4. I was gonna put two small girls up front, but the little stands I made are too big to fit with the Ebs.
I'm pretty sure I can fill the tent with two girls and a few layers of netting.