twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino Grow&show 2022

Am I the only 1 who doesn't want cat piss lol. I have a cat and not fond of ammonia, although would be interesting to have that smell from bud. I would love lemon or pine from her, both were listed I believe. Truth be told I'll be happy with any distinct scent from her. Even if it gets me hooked on cheezing hahaha.

My Snow-G auto is throwing off faint lemony funky cat piss scents right now, takes a nice branch smack to get some on the nose though. Wasn’t a fan at first but I think hope pray this is going to ripen perty nice these final weeks. Nothing like the fruit funk that came off of Whiskey Zulu though :jointman:
Day 50 for Whiskey Zulu #1 and it looks like she's done stretching and is working on building some flowers now.

Biscauto #1 is 50 days as well and is getting dense and smelly!

Knows Candy is on day 49 and while she looks a bit rough overall she has started flowering pretty hard.

Biscauto #2 is on day 14 and is just cruising right along.

Day 12 for Whiskey Zulu #2 and she's quite happy!

Knows Candy #2 is also on day 12 and looking great!
Early Flower
Time for an update:

The girls are happy. The Autowrecks are unbelievably bushy. The Knows Candy and MSG are reaching for the sky! The front MSG is showing purple i the buds.

Am I the only 1 who doesn't want cat piss lol. I have a cat and not fond of ammonia, although would be interesting to have that smell from bud. I would love lemon or pine from her, both were listed I believe. Truth be told I'll be happy with any distinct scent from her. Even if it gets me hooked on cheezing hahaha.
:crying:'s hard to describe exactly, but the ammonia-like/nose tingly funk is definitely similar... I find it's really only in the bud/jar aroma, pinched it releases more astringent citrus/pine, and the bag I had years ago also had interesting floral + aromatic woods nuances... smoke showed nothing pee-like, room smoke aroma was amazing, like an exotic incense! ....potent, uplifting Sati'- type high...

Some funks are just like this; I think it's the combo of terp's and the exposure to O2 that works olfactory magic.
I had a Wild Thai Ryder (excellent cross BTW) that had a barfy smell in-jar -
... same deal, the smoke/flavor/room smoke aroma was totally different and unique!
I think you'll come to like it plenty McDee, IF it shows...
Is this going to be You?
:laughcry:that's just wrong man...
The girls are happy. The Autowrecks are unbelievably bushy. The Knows Candy and MSG are reaching for the sky! The front MSG is showing purple i the buds.
:greenthumb:another phat run MoG- :d5: ... I think your ATW's will be the first in?... really nice structure on them, auto version has definitely more robust bones... You going to have a rather funky diverse aroma going soon in there!

Have you done a little sugar leaf rub yet on the ATW's?

>>> *** A random cautionary note for y'all who use paper towel method for germ'ing *** <<<

....something I have suspected for a while now, confirmed well by another vastly experienced grower: beware the cheap brands of PT, maybe others too...
This guy had some suddenly horrible germ rates outta the blue, also in the past,... never could finger the culprit for sure, he had suspicions though and finally isolated the sole difference between good and bad rounds, same seeds BTW. It was the PT!
I too have had some odd bouts of shitty germ'ing when doing the PT method, and this confirms my suspicions... These days I don't do that method any more...
They are manufactured using some pretty nasty chem's for sure, including formaldehyde... Whatever the chemical culprit is, take note of this and start presoaking in pure water for an half hour before using them to germ',... blot out and re-wet before nesting the seeds! :thumbsup: