twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino Grow&show 2022

Starting to see some late stretch and some good development on the orgeberry.
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Biscauto is moving along. Might need cut back some of that cover crop. Haha :baked:
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I’m behind on schedule compared to you guys because I was infested by fungus gnats in a new bag of promix. I want to apologize and thank Adam for a second chance. Unfortunately I had to throw away most of my seeds/seedlings, they didn’t make it. However I did not give up on hindsight and she’s in the works of getting better and in the road to recovery. She wasn’t growing for a month because that’s how bad things got but out of the bunch, she’s special to me because she’s that resilient, now she’s growing like it never happened just a bit behind. However today I planted more trixx autoflower beans and the beneficial nematodes were dropped off by amazon, thank goodness. Praying for better days. Can’t wait to show you hindsight next.
I’m behind on schedule compared to you guys because I was infested by fungus gnats in a new bag of promix. I want to apologize and thank Adam for a second chance. Unfortunately I had to throw away most of my seeds/seedlings, they didn’t make it. However I did not give up on hindsight and she’s in the works of getting better and in the road to recovery. She wasn’t growing for a month because that’s how bad things got but out of the bunch, she’s special to me because she’s that resilient, now she’s growing like it never happened just a bit behind. However today I planted more trixx autoflower beans and the beneficial nematodes were dropped off by amazon, thank goodness. Praying for better days. Can’t wait to show you hindsight next.View attachment 1429194
All farmers have bad times. You just have to kick the mud off your boots and carry on! :toke:
Day 48 for the Auto Wreck
She's started full blooming and doing some stretching. Needs a good trimming.

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Call it day 42 for the 2 Muchacha's
#1 is in the big box and #2 is in the small box
@WildBill #2 maybe does have a genetic thing since she's developed more of those crinkle leaves. Doesn't seem to be bothering her any.

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I’m behind on schedule compared to you guys because I was infested by fungus gnats in a new bag of promix. I want to apologize and thank Adam for a second chance. Unfortunately I had to throw away most of my seeds/seedlings, they didn’t make it. However I did not give up on hindsight and she’s in the works of getting better and in the road to recovery. She wasn’t growing for a month because that’s how bad things got but out of the bunch, she’s special to me because she’s that resilient, now she’s growing like it never happened just a bit behind. However today I planted more trixx autoflower beans and the beneficial nematodes were dropped off by amazon, thank goodness. Praying for better days. Can’t wait to show you hindsight next.View attachment 1429194
Welcome back!
Triks & Whiskey Zulu - Day 52 Update

The smells! I think these might be some of the most aromatic plants I have ever grown. Triks is definitely living up to her name - all kinds of fruity vibes including a very prominent cherry. Whiskey is a little bitt subtler, but I get that melon every time I brush against her (which is all the damn time). The two of them basically take up all the 350R's 3'x5' footprint, and the cucumbers back there aren't helping. (I'd have culled those by now if they weren't part of the agreement with wife)

Some minor issues with Whiskey. What I initially wrote off as the soil being too rich was clearly something else. Those burnt tips, the chlorosis, and mass tip curling led me to calcium toxicity; which makes sense given my water. I switched over to RO and have given her a couple foliars with epsom salts. It's been 6 days, and I haven't noticed any progression. Triks had much subtler signs, so she's getting the foliar as well.


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Triks - Day 52 (3).jpeg

Triks - Day 52 (4).jpeg

Whiskey Zulu

Whiskey Zulu - Day 52 (6).jpeg

Whiskey Zulu - Day 52 (4).jpeg

Whiskey Zulu - Day 52 (5).jpeg
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