Indoor Tshirt's Extravaganza Eleganza Grow Closet

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I hear ya. I post Q's in mine, too, that go unanswered, and no one asks me Q's. I like interaction. Working from home, and alone most of the time, it's like my "office"/social hangout.
hey there tshirt I agree with u on what u say, but on other forums u get more replies and what not, simply bcuz there is more people. Sure I've had more replies on rollitup or 42O ect. But, most was criticism towards me or others and especially autos. I try to hit up everyones thread when I come on, and do get frustrated when it feels I'm posting for nothing so, hmmm what to do? I think in the future more people will start showing up to this site. Autos aren't just as popular as regular photos yet and probably won't ever be. I think we all shouldn't be lazy but, for some its hard to do baked out your mind. For what its worth I really enjoy your journals and, hey hopefully you won't be too discouraged. I have been at times and when you complain you get replies lol btw nice ass watch, today I wear my knock-off rollie in your honor lol wish I could afford a real one I mean come on, you've seen my grow box lol
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Sorry to hear that tshirtninja, i may not post on your grow log, but i would always stop by to check it out.. and think to myself.. mmmmmm.. that looks nice.. dribble dribble..
Thanks for the kind words. That's a good point though. The main reason my other grow buddies won't use the site is because of the connection speed. If there is enough interest in my grow then I will continue to update it. For now I will sit back and see what the community thinks. Didn't want to seem like I'm bashing the site as I like this place. :/

yessir as soon as i log on i go strait to the "new posts" where i look at every post
of course i'll admit i don't always follow the text part because alot of the text is q +a stuff between buds
but i always enjoy the pics...even the seedlings..and the trimmed bud money shots are sooo magnificent
there's what? 3000 members but about maybe a couple hundred that share their pics on a regular basis
so any are appreciated
hmmmmm................ its been a short time and a decent amount of people posting already that they regularly look. I think i will update just photos once a week to keep the bud flowing on the site so people can see what they look like in the process so they can deduce what there own grow might look like. Thanks for the nice comments. As to the auto hating on RIU and whatnot they don't even like the thought of LED's at all and make claims that you can't grow under them ALL THE TIME. AFN you guys are few but are awesome in your own right. Shout out to organic! I might be coming home soon for my work. If that is the case then I'm buying at least an additional 2 led panels and expanding more since security will be almost null at that point. Every time I round the corner to park my car I get within site of my apt so I can check for the law which is annoying to feel like you need to look. I changed the layout of the closet completely and added cfl's to my SCH to finish them out and have 12 RRF just poking out of party cups. I will take pictures next watering and give a large update since I have not posted pics in a while. Again feel free to bring Q's in here and I will answer them promptly or talk amongst yourselves. I was just honestly concerned that the site was starting to get stagnant since almost no one posts anymore :/
Hey Tshirt, hope ya stick around...Just kinda did a little looking back in your journal and dude, you got responses. I think maybe most people think that a grow journal in a kinda privet thing. I mean maybe people don't want to post in it because their just enjoying your journal. Personally, I think the next time I do a journal, I'll do it from start to finish in one or two nights. Yeah, the grow would be over when I start/finish the journal. I feel that the journal is for others to see what's going on and if ya get to many post in there, you kinda loose where your at. I do anyway. I'd rather just sit down and read say a journal from start to finish and if I have ?'s I'll ask then. At the end. :2cents:

Hang in there man. Bailer is working on speeding it up anyway. Before you can have that fine wine, you got to drink some beer first...
Later man,
Rip :peace:
To TShirt,it was seeing your thread and your excellent grow,plus your sound advice that got me to buy my blackstar,I don't post often dude but I always read every post and look forward to reading more bro
Same here! Your an inspiration to us all!! Keep us posted at least once a week. I want to create a growjournal too but I wanna stay on the DL.
I dont want to have to circle the block a few times everyday neither! Have an exit strategy. Be ready at anytime to yank the roots out the soil.
Same here! Your an inspiration to us all!! Keep us posted at least once a week. I want to create a growjournal too but I wanna stay on the DL.
I dont want to have to circle the block a few times everyday neither! Have an exit strategy. Be ready at anytime to yank the roots out the soil.
regardless of my grow log i need to circle that block anyway for safety sake. i might be installing a few security cams that are secure ip cameras for when im not at the spot. just be over careful and you will be fine. paranoia is the best defense imho