hey there tshirt I agree with u on what u say, but on other forums u get more replies and what not, simply bcuz there is more people. Sure I've had more replies on rollitup or 42O ect. But, most was criticism towards me or others and especially autos. I try to hit up everyones thread when I come on, and do get frustrated when it feels I'm posting for nothing so, hmmm what to do? I think in the future more people will start showing up to this site. Autos aren't just as popular as regular photos yet and probably won't ever be. I think we all shouldn't be lazy but, for some its hard to do baked out your mind. For what its worth I really enjoy your journals and, hey hopefully you won't be too discouraged. I have been at times and when you complain you get replies lol btw nice ass watch, today I wear my knock-off rollie in your honor lol wish I could afford a real one I mean come on, you've seen my grow box lol