man tshirt you got some amazing things in mind cant wait to see it all put into action
Thanks for the kind words. Seems lately like my thread kinda died as far as viewers input. Designing and redesigning grow spaces for efficiency is extremely taxing work. Last night alone I spent 3 hours designing different systems to properly secure the lights to the bracket on the light mover only to realize today a much better solution while I was answering emails at work lol. I went from a 5phase system that was going to cost like 50-60 bucks to a 2 item system that will cost me roughly 7-10 dollars and will be more stable. If anyone has growspace design problems I have an actual engineering and light optics background. I've also worked for major semiconductor companies. I promise I don't bite AFN. You guys can feel free to bring opinions problems and designs in here so we can all enjoy learning. I also design temporary solutions like male containment grow areas. Let's drop some knowledge on this site!!!!!