Sweet Seeds Truu gets sweet.

Cuties are looking good!
Hey jay thanks bro. They are finally growing fast feels good to be in the clear lol.

Woke up this morning to find a little sad girl getting a cleaning from a friend. I found some in my shed and threw them in the room last night. They should populate Nicely.

Thats beautiful man.. natures best workers!! They eat bugs right?
Hey jay, yep they eat some harmful things to our beloved plants. I've had plenty of lady bug infestations come and go in my room. I never actually tried to get rid of them, they just die off eventually and return. I guess they get in through my ac unit.

Gave the girls a watering just now. All of them seem to be doing great so far. I have them under my t5's and trying to get them to stretch some. I will put them under my hps lights once I think they are ready for hardcore action. The cold weather with low humidity has kept them at a slower pace for now. Soon the growth spurt will hit and I can start feeding them like fat kids. Hope everyone is doing well. I sure am. Positive vibes to all and take care :cool::cool::Sharing One::pighug:"AFN smoke out"

Bottom right 2 - caramel
top right 2 - sad
left 2 -mandarine (survived and growin!)


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Hey dudes. One of the sad girls showed some pistils recently. She's the first and only to show so far, pretty damn early! All the girls are doing great right now. Finally got nice growth goin. I put in a 600w mh above the girls. And took one of my t5 fixtures and put it on the back side. The plan is to put both my hoods in the center above the girls and a t5 fixture on both sides for lighting lol. I'll have both spectrums going full Time. I give them another week or so and I'm going to hit them full blast. Hopefully my room can handle the heat. The girls have shown signs of drying out a little faster so I'm thinking it's the roots finally taking hold. I put the drip rings in yesterday. So they can be hooked up at any time. I will make 1 more 5 gal res and hand water it. After that res I will make up my large res and put them on the timer and pump and sit back while the magic happens.

I want to put the screen over them again but I'm septical right now. Not sure how it's going to work out with the lighting situation but I'm going to try my best. These next 2 weeks will be the test.

Got a nice surprise yesterday and my arizer solo came iN. Only took 1 day to ship. What a great vaporizer, on part with my table top dbv! I recommend to everyone.

Hope everyone has a great day!:cool:


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Lookin good my brother :d5: Congrats on the solo! I love mine as well and built like a tank :tiphat: Much love my friend :hug::Sharing One:
Superb Truu!!

Sub me up! I'm ready to see some coco madness!!
Nice choices! I got them all for my collection too! :D

I love your setup!

:Sharing One:
Hey dub and blue! Thanks dudes it's about to get rocking, glad your here blue!

So the girls are progressing faster than I thought. They are drying out quick. So today I gave them a nice watering/flush for the last hand water. Tomorrow I will set them up with pump and timer. Planning on starting them out 3x q day for 45 seconds. Ah I'm getting so excited!

Oh and all but 2 have shown sex to be female. I think I will put in a hps in place of my mh for now. The stalks are getting real fat I want them to stretch some.
Looking great Truu they stretching up their arms to the sun! What nutes are u using again bro?
Thanks bro. They are fixin to go crazy when I add the other 2 lights and start dripping! I use dyna-gro. I am buying general hydro flora nova line once I finish these bottles.