Sweet Seeds Truu gets sweet.

Ohhhhh yeah!!!
Hi Truu, thanks for sharing your diary in the Sweet Seeds subforum.
You have a great pack of winners, hope you enjoy them ;)

Sweet smokes and good luck!
Hey dudes. Sorry I've been mia lately. Been busy/lazy and don't have much action happening now. Looks like I gave them a burn to start off with. The mandarine are looking pretty funked up. One looks like it will make it the other is questionable. All the others look like they will be fine. Already on the road to recovery. I hate starting seeds in the winter. I think they will all pull through. I'll post some pics once they start showing signs of being happy. Hope your all well. :Sharing One::cool:
Got some pics today for you guys. Gave them a weak feeding the past 2 feeds. Watering every other day now. They seem to be showing signs of healthy growth now. Looks like the mandarine are going to pull through. They were near death, so excited they are going to grow out. Hopefully I didn't mess them up to bad.


Mammas in the Making :) Looking tight, Brother truu! :Sharing One::kusht:
Hey waxi :cool: thanks bro.

Finally got all the kinks worked out with the start. The girls are finally off and growing healthy. Its day 11 now. I'm going to do a mykos tea brew in the next couple of day to hopefully give them a nice boost of vigor. Hope everyone is well, take it easy.

:Sharing One::hug:

Hey, Bro :) So, I just realized one detail in my drip system setup... Best to install the 3.5 diam rings BEFORE the Girls are 7 in diam.... lololol @imacoconoob lololol
And, is it normal for seedlings to start really slow in coco? It's been 3 weeks for my MM and GWS, and they just started taking off, 2 days ago! Healthy, and no visible issues, but Sloooooooooooooooow......... From the looks of the 3 node sets in 2 days (!), the next week might be insta-catchup, but, since its my virgin run in Da Palms..figured I was doing something amiss.
Wake&Bake ramble complete :grin:
some love, Brother truu :Sharing One:
I'll be watching .
:Grow & Show..::pighug::Sharing One:
Lol waxi I had to learn the same way. I usually put my rings on when I put the seeds in and just hand water until I'm ready to drip then I just hook up the main line. Usually starting seeds in coco is no prob. During the winter I have low humidity which doesnt help speed them up. Kinda sounds like something might have been up since you say now they are growing at a faster pace? Who knows man, the winter months usually give me all kinds of small problems. Glad they are growing great now, the coco should start to show its beauty soon!

Hey henco glad to have ya!

@dub :Sharing One::pighug: