White Train Day 68 Final Harvest,
44 grams Wet
This plant had 8 FIMs, EIGHT!
Impressive that she survived. She just won't Hermie.
She had 25 Watts of dedicated CFL and whatever reflected light she could scavenge.
This is what she had to tolerate, on a diet of cheap tomato food.
This girl is extraordinary, like a Barbie doll, all legs and curves.
Here is the whole plant. This is all she had to work with for the last 40 days. No other leaves or branches. Final snip at the soil line:
A quick trim:
I would be happy to get this level of frost, density, and quality from a full grown plant
The FIMing went to ridiculous extreme because I had two White Trains growing.
I hope this experiment gets somebody half as excited as I am.
Multiple midgets in a pot has potential.