After about 40 samples from Fantasmo I feel like I can say something about the High after the cure.
Here are some recent notes, I guess I prefer the very early samples from day 50, I vape it more:
Day 50, 2 lungs, aphrodisiac
Day 50, 3 lungs, intense aphrodisiac
Day 50, 2 lungs, aphrodisiac
Day 50, 4 lungs to finish the last of the bowl, aphrodisiac
Day 50, 2 lungs, aphrodisiac
Day 50, 2 lungs, aphrodisiac
Day 50, 1 lung, aphrodisiac + walk 4 km
Day 57, 2 lungs, walk 5km
Day 57, 2 lungs, new business idea
Day 57, 2 lungs, aphrodisiac, nice
Day 57, 1 lung, walked 3km
Day 57, 2 lungs, Over Dose (vomit), getting stronger as it cures?
Day 60, 2 lungs, walked 4km
Day 60, 3 lungs, Over Dose (nausea), dizzy, intense
Fantasmo makes me want to move: walk or shag. Sometimes both.
It makes my eyes redder than other strains, had to buy Visine.
It takes 2 lungs, compared Tyrone which is a one hit wonder. 2 lungs of Tyrone is dangerous.
Fantasmo heightens senses more than other strains, great for music, shagging, eating...
but really bad if you vape too fast and cough.
The scratchy throat from the cough gets intensified and can last a long time, very distracting.
Fantasmo has become my favorite cured weed. (Tyrone is my favorite fresh, insanely good)
Very nice to vape Fantasmo 2 hours before bedtime.... babies don't sleep this good.

Blah, blah, blah.... your mileage may vary