Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

Day 70 Triangle Kush

Harvest is still ongoing with this one, due to me going to a BBQ Saturday afternoon with the kids and parents of my daughters class, many beers and martinis were drunk and a great time was being had till one of the fathers got out a bottle of 80% homemade Orujo, 30 mins and 3 shots later i could feel my legs starting to go so we made a quick exit before i made a fool of myself, was pretty drunk but ok in the car on the way home but stupidly after getting my daughter to bed ended up doing a few bong hits of fresh dried TK, and that was it blacked out till Sunday morning and am still suffering the effects of a 3 day hangover this morning, due to this i have been snipping away branch by branch as i could muster the energy and motivation to do so, with 4 branches remaining hopefully will be done by tomorrow.

A harsh reminder of why i don't like drinking in excess and would much rather be smoking myself into oblivion, annoying thing was i had my pipe and a good amount of Triangle Kush in the car, but as i discovered the day of the BBQ half of the parents in my daughter's class seem to be officers in the Civil Guard and National Police, so that idea was put on the back burner.

A couple of nugs i trimmed Friday morning, which dried to 3.7g and went into the jar with the dry cola, that is being burped and holding a steady 61% RH without a Boveda.
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Cola dried after a day in the jar
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The rest of her before i started my hungover trimming Monday morning
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Last couple of days trimming hanging to dry
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What is left of her to finish off
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