Trap's "Inspector Cheese" - By RoninGarden

Yeah, Bri....the fans are huge. Lotta potential for size with this strain, I believe. 5 gal Airpot candidate. ;)

Well, I THINK I have some good news...

Here's the sexing close-ups for the bigger, number 1 Here on Day 28

IMG_6260.JPG IMG_6262.JPG IMG_6263.JPG

to me, that looks like lady bits....what say you @Ronin ?
That'd be fine with me :)

I was starting to feel a little guilty that they were a bit "vertically challenged" so
a little extra veg time wouldn't hurt either. They started a little slow but are now
going bonkers....

I moved the lights up a bit to see if I could promote some height.
Here's some pics....

Day 29

number 1



number 2



Number one is throwing thin long leaves out everywhere, it seems.