Outdoor Trailanimal's 2017 grows


Ahahahahahaha i was at the top end of a haul of a green poison vape bag, after a non stop bunch of vape bags(on the fifth variety tonight) and saw that post and almost blew a lung while laughing at that one! Careful!!!

Edit-saved for future use
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I have tried twice to quote and comment... Lol my phone is archaic...

Absolutely wonderfully grown my friend!! I am tickled and humbled you like it that much!! You said it.. She isn't the stickiest... Or the most trich covered but she does pack a mule kick lol

LMAO that's hilarious! Sharon and my wife (and apparently 912s!) all have that "tastes like good weed" taste buds :rofl: That's so funny!

That nugg looks amazing!!! Max slap incoming... Great to see you got a grip of viable seed!! Sugarbaker in the future far north! I like that..

Your grows are the most important part of my time here my friend! Always an amazing journey and a helluva lot of fun. Its an honor to follow

I know... His journals are the best! I need to make it a daily stop... I don't get here as often as I should or would like!

THANK YOU TRAIL!! For sharing your amazing and awesome world with us!
