Outdoor Trailanimal's 2017 grows

It's intense sola time, routine is: if sun out, run shade cloth 2 pm to 7 pm....
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look at this guy... bushwackin for real...
love'n it..
hey mo, here's another bush for ya
Blue Dream. She has been my tester plant for the entire grow(tested potting soil, showed how long till transplant, tested cold greenhouse nights, and compost and ultra bloom applications). She is 26 days older than first main planting. She showed me day 10 transplanting was was good for roots. I let her go to day 18. She was going to finish her life in 16 oz solo in the window, but the weather got so nice had to transplant her to the greenhouse. Thought she would be stunted and slower to finish. She is slower, first 2 weeks in greenhouse night temps 30-38f, and she lost 6 days in an over watering event. Not too stunted, 28.5" and I counted 12 laterals,
she is stacking and packing. I'm so happy I put her in the greenhouse.
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