Outdoor Trailanimal's 2017 grows

this morn
wall O green cranks it up........View attachment 772519 from the closest......
Critical + 2.0
Industrial Plant CBD
Sour Diesel
Bubba Trouble
Blue Dream
Beyond Blue Dream 5 more plants, you can see another Bubba Trouble poking her head up

Damn, man! You are rockin' it this season! Haha! I can't give you more rep until I give some others.
It's amazing how grow knowledge grows, season to season, listen to the plants
That' absolutely true...on my first days on AFN i switched on some threads posts reading...growing, sharing, learning and repeat and on AFN it's done thousands time a day, normally such knowledge should be payed...and on the best Family web site in the net it' s all for Free!!!
time to check out the Dinafems, 18 plants in greenhouse, 14 Dinas, this is what greeted me this morn