Outdoor Trailanimal's 2016 Greenhouse plus Voodoo Girl

Whoah! She's hangin' in there but those A-Mags look great!
Man, they are like on steroids. The six shooter, au, blue dream, blueberry headband, rhino ryder all doing real good, but those afghani mags are fast and huge.I don't know what to expect of them, can't find much about. Supposed to be auto regs. Got them 3-4 yrs ago looking for regs. Fems are all you can find now.
the youngsters on a nice summer day
Watered Voodoo Girl last night after fingering and lifting, she was a lot lighter, and after a couple of hot dry windy days, gave her 1/2 what she got last watering. This morn could see new flower growth. Keeping my fingers crossed I haven't wacked her too severely.
Fed the youngsters, except the wee ones, 1/4 cup 9-3-1 bat guano, worm castings, and mulched with compost and watered. The whole tribe is doing well, here's 4 of them. Six shooter, au, and afghani mags
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you have a nice set up there in your green house! looks like you'll have a bunch of giant plants in there. do you use supplemental light at night time? also I see that you have 2 plant in 1 pot. looks cool do they grow better like this?
you have a nice set up there in your green house! looks like you'll have a bunch of giant plants in there. do you use supplemental light at night time? also I see that you have 2 plant in 1 pot. looks cool do they grow better like this?
Hey camith, got plenty of light, 10 hrs direct sun, light 24 hrs a day up here. The sun cruises to the N side of cabin for "night". The 2 in 1 are regs, not feminized. If both are fems I'll remove one, if one is male I don't know what I'll do. I grew the regs to get seed, so if folks think they will do ok together in a 3 gal pot, I'll let them go, outside the greenhouse somewhere. I've got 3 more of that strain growing to take a look at, but these 2 are way ahead of the pack. Thanks for stopping by
I thought VG would do good, she really is packkng it on. The young ones look great too. Things seem to happen fsst under the Arctic sun:d5:
happening fast, went out this morn and couldn't believe the Pump in just a few short hours and got another blazing day, supposed to notch down 10 degrees and be showery for a few days, this is good too, into the gardening cream now!