Outdoor Trailanimal's 2016 Greenhouse plus Voodoo Girl

We got an 8" blanket of snow around the same day as you! Ours has melted since then and is on and off winter with fall weather. Dude love that fairy frost. Cant wait to give it a go! Got a few seeds to try. Hey looks like the pup is having a good time in the snow. Unless I am mistaken the dog spotted a critter in that pic!
We got an 8" blanket of snow around the same day as you! Ours has melted since then and is on and off winter with fall weather. Dude love that fairy frost. Cant wait to give it a go! Got a few seeds to try. Hey looks like the pup is having a good time in the snow. Unless I am mistaken the dog spotted a critter in that pic!
We are into the back and forth mode now, just a few days ago -10f, yesterday was +36, ground stays frozen hard. Fairy frost and moon tears getting stronger as cure goes on! I'm really impressed with the portals, colorful tasty aromatic and Strong, oh yeah, did I mention fast?
We are into the back and forth mode now, just a few days ago -10f, yesterday was +36, ground stays frozen hard. Fairy frost and moon tears getting stronger as cure goes on! I'm really impressed with the portals, colorful tasty aromatic and Strong, oh yeah, did I mention fast?
I THOUGHT I saw something purple in my peripheral! Good morning @trailanimal !!!
report time: Bubba cheese I hold above all others for night time, been calling her the angel of mercy lately. Fast, productive and uniform. I feel the effects begin before the first exhale. Very strong anti-inflammatory circulation rush, clear headed euphoria, deeeep relaxation. Even before I finish smoking got my spine easily adjusted. She massages my "hardwiring", smiles. My body is vibrating, circulating the inflammation away, seized energy recycled. A blessing for a body dealing with a lifetime of overuse injuries.
She has unending flavor and aroma, a heavy smoke that seems chewable and retains an expansive bite. Don't need much of this at night for a long and peaceful rest, minimal hangover for such a potent Indica. Bonus for me, lay in bed with wonderous closed eye hallucinations, reminiscent of the onset of schrooms
oh yeah pics
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report time: Bubba cheese I hold above all others for night time, been calling her the angel of mercy lately. Fast, productive and uniform. I feel the effects begin before the first exhale. Very strong anti-inflammatory circulation rush, clear headed euphoria, deeeep relaxation. Even before I finish smoking got my spine easily adjusted. She massages my "hardwiring", smiles. My body is vibrating, circulating the inflammation away, seized energy recycled. A blessing for a body dealing with a lifetime of overuse injuries.
She has unending flavor and aroma, a heavy smoke that seems chewable and retains an expansive bite. Don't need much of this at night for a long and peaceful rest, minimal hangover for such a potent Indica. Bonus for me, lay in bed with wonderous closed eye hallucinations, reminiscent of the onset of schrooms
What a fantastic description!!! Thankyou!

Adding it to my list!