Trail and mates!....

every one of your hounds is a warrior, I marvel at how the short legged crew fares so well in deep snow!
and ina dog, size don't matter too much, the attitude where the power be

truer words my friend,.... and I also am amazed by how they adapt to their unspoken tasks up there! ... Iggy looks like a herder breed (Aussie shep'?), not usually known for that guarding "orbit" type of behavior, but there you go --

...14 years with that kinda life is simply impressive! ....ahhhh, small wonder they have walked side-by-side with us hairless apes since the days of wearing stinky animal skins!
It always made me laugh when I'd see Mom's Mini Schnauzer boss the Great Dane (155lbs!) around -

-- seriously, she'd lift her leg like a boy dog when she wizzed!
The flinty-eyed lad sure knows how to relax when it's time,... I sure hope you don't do the same thing?!
@St. Tom says he does!
Wassup trail!! Will never get my head around where you live lol! Best of luck this year mate

Dale mate, how's it going? Good to see you about,... I think we will be running the OD Comp' again this year, so keep your eye's open for it... We will try to tag all who entered as well,... We're still working out details!