Outdoor trailanimal 2020

:passit: No worries Dale, it's a more limited gig this time around, basically Northern hemisphere only for seasonal reasons, but anybody can join where ever they are! The start date is still TBD, I think a 4/20 cheeky start date has been tossed out there... If you need to get going early, and document them (we'll figure out a contestant code and get it to you), then you got the street cred's here to get folded in when it's officially starts- :rofl:... you'll just be done really early and be spectating for the rest of the Comp :coffee:

Sounds good to me!! Ill keep an eye out for the comp thread, last years was fun as hell.. May have to start in april now anyways, but ill make sure to send ya a message if i do start them at any point and make them competition legal :smoking: thanks either way mate

Hey Trail, :pass: Bro it was been a pretty bad season out here in Australia, drought fires, now its finally a nice wet summer which means humid humid and warm to very warm, sure is nice to see your cool snow photos !

Sorry to hear that smokey hope its cooled right down for you guys and it didnt affect you personally too much!! :bump:
Definitely the flip side of "down under"! Been the coldest winter in many years. This morn was -42F, again. Lots of sun to warm the day into the -20 to -10 range. End of week a large front headed our way, lots of snow forecast and +20sF. I can't remember the last time it was that warm.
You wait for less humid time of year to grow?
:nono: wow Trail bro, that is insanely cold, even in the sun its very cold. differnt from the last winter there which was mild. Your soils are really nice shame we cant get the same here. Sounds like the climate has gone a bit crazy.

I grow in summer and its been humid as its back to the normal wet summers, which like your winter, we havent had a wet January for sometime. I grow year around if i can, as you know winter is pretty mild here, but who knows what winter brings, the weather service has it being warmer and wetter than normal, but we'll see when it arrives.
Sounds good to me!! Ill keep an eye out for the comp thread, last years was fun as hell.. May have to start in april now anyways, but ill make sure to send ya a message if i do start them at any point and make them competition legal :smoking: thanks either way mate

Sorry to hear that smokey hope its cooled right down for you guys and it didnt affect you personally too much!! :bump:
Hey Dale Bro ! Thansk, Its back to our wet summers, and the first time in some years a wet Janurary. Our area was lucky, with only a small fire impacting the fridges of Lamington National Park - a beautiful park - cool, warm and subtropical rainforests. Closer to home, we feared someone would lite up the hill near home or a random lightning strike but we were lucky.
Hey Dale Bro ! Thansk, Its back to our wet summers, and the first time in some years a wet Janurary. Our area was lucky, with only a small fire impacting the fridges of Lamington National Park - a beautiful park - cool, warm and subtropical rainforests. Closer to home, we feared someone would lite up the hill near home or a random lightning strike but we were lucky.
I got my Oregon grown #6 going if you get the chance to take a peak it's in the organic section. I love that soil mixture extremely close to what I put in mine that's a complete mix good results are coming!!!