Outdoor trailanimal 2019

Sour Mango harvested D81, 28".............................................View attachment 1081162 She was finished flowering. Then overnight she started to foxy, acting all reflower. She spent her entire maturation during the hottest ever. Floor temp in the greenhouse was 104F in the shade of a ten gallon pot. I was tempted to just watch, see what happened................View attachment 1081170 But she is one of the fattest juiciest things my sticky fingers have touched. And the weather just turned from PM to BR..............................................................................................................View attachment 1081171Been fighting powdery mildew on 1/2 my crop, not a speck on Sour Mango!, even with all that bud leafage. Was a job to keep semi-defolled. I didn't want to challenge bud rot to "come on down", so harvested................................................................................View attachment 1081189
Very easy to grow, no issues with any of my shenanigans. Next time I won't top, don't need 2 massive colas trying to grow into each other. Big boned, well built and really put out!....... View attachment 1081191
.View attachment 1081195

Daym fine TA! Sorry to hear about the PM.

Looks like you are going to have a very diverse selection of smells and effects this year. Beautiful Sour Mango!
It is currently 93 degrees here in New England. Not too dissimilar in the Arctic. Adjusting as necessary.
The weather switched a couple of days ago. Getting cooler and moist. Fire looks extinguished right now. Lower 60s, more "normal", feels good. Tundra was crunchy underfoot, rehydrated now.
So far my biggest concern this season has been Strain Hunters Skunk. I was worried I'd get a huge plant with no buds! She began pushing pistils at the right time, but just grew and grew only showing pistils at each new node. I've had huge ones before that never made a flower. My biggest "piss off" with autos is the non-autoing auto. I was getting worried, then D50 I noticed she was going to do it! Today, D53, 54"..................................

She stands with BLKMRRR who is 5 days older. I read a description of this skunk that said she does best if let to grow 100-120 cm, was slow in veg and fast finishing. Must be why I bought this seed. I was questioning my shopping, me of little faith:smoking: