Outdoor trailanimal 2019

Sour Mango harvested D81, 28".............................................View attachment 1081162 She was finished flowering. Then overnight she started to foxy, acting all reflower. She spent her entire maturation during the hottest ever. Floor temp in the greenhouse was 104F in the shade of a ten gallon pot. I was tempted to just watch, see what happened................View attachment 1081170 But she is one of the fattest juiciest things my sticky fingers have touched. And the weather just turned from PM to BR..............................................................................................................View attachment 1081171Been fighting powdery mildew on 1/2 my crop, not a speck on Sour Mango!, even with all that bud leafage. Was a job to keep semi-defolled. I didn't want to challenge bud rot to "come on down", so harvested................................................................................View attachment 1081189
Very easy to grow, no issues with any of my shenanigans. Next time I won't top, don't need 2 massive colas trying to grow into each other. Big boned, well built and really put out!....... View attachment 1081191
.View attachment 1081195
H202 wash will save you a lot of weed and anxiety.

I'm also using a biofungal fungicide it's organic by Actiovate.
So far so good on this product 3 of the plants in my garden the Citrus super Haze and the wedding cake bubba kush had the mildew systemically I couldn't control it anymore and was on the verge of destroying those 3 plants.
Now since I started using the biocide it's cleared up it's cleared up to the point where I'm only treating now twice a week. Once with a foliar spray and once with a drink. it's absolutely change my grow all the way around.

By the time I used Actiovate the second time I had already started seeing the difference the powdery mildew wasn't coming up through the leaves no more it wasn't on the plant right after I sprayed any longer and after the second week started now and not to see hardly at all and those 3 plants the Bubba Kush had it real bad too and it's almost completely cleared up on that plant. But that plants in a bad spot in my garden and I won't grow in that spot again the blueberry cookies has overgrown the Bubba Kush and it's sunlight and so has the Citrus super Haze so the Bubba Kush is in the corner with hardly any air and hardly any light compared to the rest of the grow. But like I said this Actiovate biofungicide has saved my day along with the H202.
Come down to my thread and see how I saved the Lemon Juice Express auto from the dreaded Bud Rot[emoji482]
Cool purple stems:thumbsup: Dang nicked the prop eh:eyebrows: we need more rain too, still no hydro power. It been raining some but I guess it's all getting soaked up before it gets to us:bow: It's already grey and drizzly enough to slow the plants down a little.
The cbd caps sound like a big success..is that made from the cbd bud available online? Sounds like something my wife would appreciate:cooldance:
New prop ordered. Rainy here, not enough to boost river, yet. Forecast here overcast and rainy for next week. Slow down for sure. I've been ryding high on all that sun, and got a trashed prop, lol.
Online for the hemp. @HashMaster turned me on to this. He said the protocol for Full Spectrum Plant Caps is 14% CBD. And the dosage is 60ml, 2, 00 caps. The CBD of hemp on line varies, flowers having more than trim. The trick is decarbing. I'm decarbing longer and hotter than most recommendations I find on the web. Last I heard from Hash he was 90 mins@300F. In my oven I find 60-70 mins@300 works better than the longer run. I'm sure every oven going to be a little different. We all know cannabinoids can build up in the body, this is good. My previous batch went too long. By the time we consumed it at 2 caps 3 times daily, I was having more and more inflammation. Left thumb & wrist, and right side piriformis. My mobility was impaired, stiff and painful upon arising. With the new batch of caps all of this is gone. Sure, I can make my thumb hurt if I pull and twist hard. But ordinary movement, including all camp work, no worries mon.
I have 2 Dinameds growing. they are 14% CBD, small and wonderfully resinous and aromatic.
No way am I gonna throw these beauties into the oven:smoking: this morn in the rain........
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I noticed that stem right away too, that is crazy!
I need to remember your stories about getting to town whenever I am upset that I gotta get in the car and drive five minutes to the store :baghead:
mystery looks awesome Trail mate :frog: Awesome you can boat to get suppplies:d5:
when I have enough water:cheers:
H202 wash will save you a lot of weed and anxiety.

I'm also using a biofungal fungicide it's organic by Actiovate.
So far so good on this product 3 of the plants in my garden the Citrus super Haze and the wedding cake bubba kush had the mildew systemically I couldn't control it anymore and was on the verge of destroying those 3 plants.
Now since I started using the biocide it's cleared up it's cleared up to the point where I'm only treating now twice a week. Once with a foliar spray and once with a drink. it's absolutely change my grow all the way around.

By the time I used Actiovate the second time I had already started seeing the difference the powdery mildew wasn't coming up through the leaves no more it wasn't on the plant right after I sprayed any longer and after the second week started now and not to see hardly at all and those 3 plants the Bubba Kush had it real bad too and it's almost completely cleared up on that plant. But that plants in a bad spot in my garden and I won't grow in that spot again the blueberry cookies has overgrown the Bubba Kush and it's sunlight and so has the Citrus super Haze so the Bubba Kush is in the corner with hardly any air and hardly any light compared to the rest of the grow. But like I said this Actiovate biofungicide has saved my day along with the H202.
Come down to my thread and see how I saved the Lemon Juice Express auto from the dreaded Bud Rot
I will come over and check it out, been meaning to stop by anyway, thanks!
Sour Mango gave 73 gs.............
At harvest she smelled sour with a slight hint of rot, into the jars a mellow over ripe fruit aroma.
Smoke so light and pleasant, can't feel it in the lungs at all, have to exhale to know I've hit it:rofl:
Right off the Dry! Good daytimer for us. She's strong, but much easier to use as a daytime than BLKMRRR, our first greenhouse harvest this season. Easier to maintain focus direction and momentum while stoning. So Sharon and I are covered, excellent daytime and night time, and so much more to come.......
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New prop ordered. Rainy here, not enough to boost river, yet. Forecast here overcast and rainy for next week. Slow down for sure. I've been ryding high on all that sun, and got a trashed prop, lol.
Online for the hemp. @HashMaster turned me on to this. He said the protocol for Full Spectrum Plant Caps is 14% CBD. And the dosage is 60ml, 2, 00 caps. The CBD of hemp on line varies, flowers having more than trim. The trick is decarbing. I'm decarbing longer and hotter than most recommendations I find on the web. Last I heard from Hash he was 90 mins@300F. In my oven I find 60-70 mins@300 works better than the longer run. I'm sure every oven going to be a little different. We all know cannabinoids can build up in the body, this is good. My previous batch went too long. By the time we consumed it at 2 caps 3 times daily, I was having more and more inflammation. Left thumb & wrist, and right side piriformis. My mobility was impaired, stiff and painful upon arising. With the new batch of caps all of this is gone. Sure, I can make my thumb hurt if I pull and twist hard. But ordinary movement, including all camp work, no worries mon.
I have 2 Dinameds growing. they are 14% CBD, small and wonderfully resinous and aromatic.View attachment 1082816 No way am I gonna throw these beauties into the oven:smoking: this morn in the rain........
Agree, I like to smoke or vape my high cbd homegrown. It's too precious so far in my world...won't be getting a lot this season. I'm excited about the hemp though. That sounds worth doing!
New prop ordered. Rainy here, not enough to boost river, yet. Forecast here overcast and rainy for next week. Slow down for sure. I've been ryding high on all that sun, and got a trashed prop, lol.
Online for the hemp. @HashMaster turned me on to this. He said the protocol for Full Spectrum Plant Caps is 14% CBD. And the dosage is 60ml, 2, 00 caps. The CBD of hemp on line varies, flowers having more than trim. The trick is decarbing. I'm decarbing longer and hotter than most recommendations I find on the web. Last I heard from Hash he was 90 mins@300F. In my oven I find 60-70 mins@300 works better than the longer run. I'm sure every oven going to be a little different. We all know cannabinoids can build up in the body, this is good. My previous batch went too long. By the time we consumed it at 2 caps 3 times daily, I was having more and more inflammation. Left thumb & wrist, and right side piriformis. My mobility was impaired, stiff and painful upon arising. With the new batch of caps all of this is gone. Sure, I can make my thumb hurt if I pull and twist hard. But ordinary movement, including all camp work, no worries mon.
I have 2 Dinameds growing. they are 14% CBD, small and wonderfully resinous and aromatic.View attachment 1082816 No way am I gonna throw these beauties into the oven:smoking: this morn in the rain........
That is great info on the CBD strains @trailanimal . Great that your daily life is improved with CBD. So good to have Hashmaster’s expertise. I have StickMan’s Karmatonic Z in flower now but she is tested at 9percent. Not sure how that will translate or be useful for caps.
My understanding , I think from Mark at Dinafem, extraction rates are less for CBD strains too. I’ll certainly order Dinameds for next Spring’s crop.