Outdoor trailanimal 2019

Yesterday was long and painful. When chores were done I was way depressed, feeling my healing protocol wasn't working. When I came in I was so miserable I took 400 mg of Ibu. It seemed to help very little. That night when I went to bed I realized whatever I've been doing over the last week has allowed me to find a couple of positions per night where I can rest and fall a sleep.
Got up this morn and pain was gone!, all gone! Vaped IPCBD and feel like me once again. I'm still doing a basically "do nothing day", but hey, tomorrow mix potting soil, and on my way!
bouyed I be
setting sail to new

game still on for trail
That spirulina you mentioned sounds intresing you can use it as a fertalizer as well,, was it home grown ?
I purchase it on line by the pound. Blue green algae thrives in the summer waters up here, don't know if it's spirulina specie, but close I'm guessing. What the moose dive for all summer.
It could be a high nitro addition to compost.
the caribou still with usView attachment 1017322

Finally read though everything, I’m so jelly of your carabou. Wish I could get some antlers, skins, etc. (carabou are the same species as the domestic reindeer and I have Sámi indigenous ancestry and they herded reindeer)

Can’t wait to see your grow happening, you must live way north, I’m so jelly of your snow too. Gosh it’s so pretty.