Mephisto Genetics Toof Decay In A Small Tent 3 Gal Airpot General Hydroponics Nutes

nice set up.
nice strain,stocky plants packs a punch.
good luck.
Thanks! One of us has just a few grows done before. It's simple sweet and to the point. Our aim is 2 oz but we would settle with 40 grams. One of us has had toof decay before and loved it. Showing the magic of different strains, their tastes and their effects is fun. After this we need suggestions. We were thinking sodk or a cheese strain
Looking good. Should be a slow few weeks. Tagging along to see how it goes. Goos luck. Happy holidays
Thank you! The first few weeks are some of the most fun though. Have you done toof decay? Thanks for the good wishes, you have a good holiday too! And to be politically insensitive, happy festivus!
Day 4 she's growing up!


Day 7, the one week Mark. Means she's gonna make it well once it gets to this point. We were watering with 1/4 tbsp floragro floramicro and florabloom in 1 gallon of water. Today we did a half gallon water with bytes at 1 tbsp each floragro floramicro and florabloom.
Her humidity some had come off on day 4 after we posted. She handled it well. Tempatures got up to 91 degrees for half a day and was in the high 80's but now it's at a good 78-84 degrees and is loving life.


Day 10. Look at those induce leaves starting to form! Have a feeling it's gonna be a fatty.


