New Grower To Auto Or Not To Auto? Stitch Blueberries -- let's see!

Thats the slowest Auto in the world. The rest are looking great man. Would love to see some shots even if you think your bad at it.

Dude it ain't only the slowest auto -- it's the slowest bloody plant in the world! Like the mother of all seven-month-flowering sativas! Bitch better have some payoff, eventually, or I'm gonna Sheet on Stitch, LoL.
:Grrr:I'll get some pics up soon...

Success!! Glad the Mist did it's thing! Patience is paying off, South Syder.

Yeah man, the shit rocks. Soon as they open up, I'm tempted to let them balls blow their load all over the damn tent...but I been waitin' on that f-cking blueberry too long to let pollen mess her up; reckon the Different Ryders are too far along to pollinate (they'd never ripen seeds before senescence), so I'll have to settle for making more Onyx beans.
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Howdy y'all,

I'm swamped! Barely got time to sleep let alone nurse this bitch of a plant along; blueberry has overgrown the tent. Still setting records for slooooowness. Using up as much in light and nutes as everything else in the tent combined. Had enough of it! Gonna take some photos tonight if I get the chance so you can all see for yourselves -- but this f-cking thing is out! Reckon I've shown more patience than this piece of Stitch shit ever deserved.

Tried not bashing Stitch, but.... Conclusion, yeah, his blueberry auto-ed, kinda, so I suppose the answer to this thread's premise is: yeah, it's an auto -- but the shittiest piece of crap of a plant I've ever grown in all my former decades of growing. Got the beans from him direct. Paid as much as any DP quality autos. Got crap.

My recommendation to anyone thinking about it: STAY AWAY FROM STITCH GEAR AS IT STANDS NOW! Better to burn your money than give it to him... I can be a violent guy, good thing I can't get my hands on him--!

Sorry to hear of your troubles brother, I would honestly not scrape it at this
point as you've invested SO MUCH TIME into this plant, throw it on 12/12 and as big as the plant is hopefully on 12/12 in a months time you should atleast have a decent harvest, I run autos on 12/12 all the time...
:Sharing One:
Yikes lol. Someone get this man a strong joint quick hehe :) Ya could always just throw it outside somewhere and hope for the best :) it could be a pleasant surprise in a month or so :)
The Grapes Of Wrath! (Okay, so I read a lot, so what?)

Howdy folks,

Day 74!

Straight jacket's cutting off my circulation. This grow's sent me 'round the twist,' as they say here. IIIII'm tryin' ta hold it together here man!

Different Ryders at day 58 and already on plain water. Nice little apical pheno -- one big dong on both gals,, umm, yeah -- using too many phallic allusions lately, my bad...
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Onyx gals rushing into bloom at 41 days, really tasty. Crimped 'em a little; they's still reaching. Gotta sacrifice one for beans. Ain''t decided which yet.

The Onyx gal I turned with the Tiresias Mist (again, thanks Yoda for getting my ass into gear with that one), and she seems about to burst any day now. Gonna hit one of her/his sisters and store the rest of that yellow magic dust. Hope the, yeah, um...the pods, yeah, pods, show okay on this shitty pic.

(Takes three deeps breaths) And now, the Blueberry--! Let me just say it plain: I hate this plant. Those dud ducksfoots of Stitch's were at least entertaining but this b-tch is pissing me off! Anyhow, already vented so I'll spare us all. What to do with it?? maybe hit it with some pollen (and try getting better auto genes into its kids) then put it outside (though it's still damn cold out there), or trash it. It really chews through nutes...what the f-ck is it doing with them...??!
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Apologies brethren for the tantrums. Hope this soap opera comes to some satisfying end. Least them Ryders'll be ready soon, right?

Cheers y'all.
Sorry to hear of your troubles brother, I would honestly not scrape it at this
point as you've invested SO MUCH TIME into this plant, throw it on 12/12 and as big as the plant is hopefully on 12/12 in a months time you should atleast have a decent harvest, I run autos on 12/12 all the time...
:Sharing One:

I'm feelin' ya bro, really, and this is the closest I've ever come to considering 12/12, after all, took your advice on 18/6, right? But two things: hate handicapping good plants for bad, and I'm sick the thing! Might put it outside in a week or so. If it dies it dies.

Yikes lol. Someone get this man a strong joint quick hehe :) Ya could always just throw it outside somewhere and hope for the best :) it could be a pleasant surprise in a month or so :)

True that!! Would love a strong one. All I got is my buddy's CBD meds. Nice and all but wish I still had some TD left...
...Also, again, would a 'true auto' even respond to 12/12? Shouldn't the photoperiod be irrelevant to an auto? (Okay, so the meds just kicked in...)
Yeah it should just flower under any light schedule, if you're doing som photo plants too, I've seen plenty of people put autos in with the 12/12 plants no problem. It could be a fluke, or it could really be that this one didn't get the Auto genes to a reliable level. Odd since Blueberry Auto has been around for awhile. If it's been this much of a pain in the arse lol, I would throw it outside and just let nature fight with it for awhile hehe :) As for the cold temps, a blueberry auto is a pretty good candidate for cold weather. It has Indica and Ruderalis genes which would naturally lend it to colder temps than a pure Sativa :)