New Grower To Auto Or Not To Auto? Stitch Blueberries -- let's see!

Starting to get Frosty now South Syder, i bet there is a great smell coming from your garden now.
Yeah bro, Different Ryders smell sweet, very much like their Diesel Ryder father(very pungent specimen). F-ckin' Blueberry is taking its sweet-ass time! It's flowering, just not real fast (and still growing, the bitch, gonna take over the whole damn cab...and for what I wonder?) so hope the Ryders are down soon to make room.

Dunno if I'll get any pollen from the Onyx I'm blasting but I really need it -- otherwise I'm ordering beans and enduring the whole 'will they get through or not' business. Can't wait for this grow to end, wanna try something new -- and reliable!

Cheers man.
You will be glad that you were so patient with your bb.
it will all make sense once she starts to put on weight.
You will be glad that you were so patient with your bb.
it will all make sense once she starts to put on weight.

Dude, I so seriously hope so! She's gotta finish sometime, right...? Sheesh!
God dang it! I'm outta Tiresias Mist and this little Onyx, though it's showing stress signs on leaves and such, ain't gonna give me pollen -- it's busting out with pistils. The bottle says it has nothing harmful/toxic in it but I still ain't game to smoke the product. Suppose I should let it do it's thing for a few weeks and see if it gets naners, otherwise it's been a waste. Might have to pull out some Diesel Ryder pollen I got in the fridge...
Update time day 63

Howdy folks,

My Different Ryders are at day 48 and just doing their thing -- got a tall slender one and short chunky one and they're just putting on weight. Nice and frosty and the smell is wonderfully sweet.

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The Onyx gals at day 31 are stretching a little too much (and here I thought my light levels were at overkill?) and they're starting to push out buds. I moved them directly under the GrowSun for more light penetration as it's a stronger light...but, curiously, and ain't nobody more surprised than I am by this -- the plants seem to prefer the TopLED spectrum; they tend to lean toward it (??!).

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This is the Onyx gal I've been hitting with Tiresias Mist and though she's showing signs of stress on her leaves, she ain't showing balls; just keeps pushing out pistils. Gonna leave her go and see if I get any naners. If not I'll ditch her 'cause I ain't game to smoke any of the product. She got too tall and gangly so I've bent her in this pic.


And now to the f-cking Blueberry! Day 63, and as you can see she ain't setting any records for bud formation. She's definitely flowering, but at her own lazy pace and ain't nothing I do gonna hurry her along. Sheesh! You guys remember that girl in school you were nuts about but then she did or said something and you couldn't wait to see the back of her?? Yup, that's how I'm feeling about this bloody plant! Moved her under the TopLED unit 'cause she has a few more inches to stretch her bloody supercropped head -- and she was constantly reaching to it, so let's see how she does...

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That's it folks. SS signing off here (I gotta go hit my bud up for some meds now -- I'm dry, blame Stitch and his bloody ducksfoots for that too).

Cheers y'all.
I Got Balls!!!

Yup -- you read right -- I got me some balls!! Little Onyx gal has staminate parts among all her, like, I got a tranny, I suppose...or a hermie...or something gender ambiguous, sorta... Thank you Yoda for getting my ass into gear with the Tiresias Mist (shit actually works!).

When they become more pronounced and my phone camera can register them I'll take some pics, but under the magnifying glass, well, yup -- them's some balls! (Yeah, I can hear you all, "go get a proper camera bozo," --but it ain't no use: I got no knack for it. Y'all don't know how many takes it takes to get you those shitty shots I post. If anyone is photo retarded, it's me). Okay, okay, I'll go get one, soon....
Thats the slowest Auto in the world. The rest are looking great man. Would love to see some shots even if you think your bad at it.
Success!! Glad the Mist did it's thing! Patience is paying off, South Syder.