New Grower To Auto Or Not To Auto? Stitch Blueberries -- let's see!

:kusht: That's what I'm talking about! :pimphand:Put some foot all up in her, and give her as some get

right!! Your momma didn't raise no quitter, bro! Let that be known! :five:
LOL, breaking up is hard to do. I admire your persistence. Damn them Stitch Bitches. I still have 6 of his seeds. I'm in love with a couple Mephisto babes right now. And they know how to treat their man.
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:kusht: That's what I'm talking about! :pimphand:Put some foot all up in her, and give her as some get

right!! Your momma didn't raise no quitter, bro! Let that be known! :five:

True that son! Time ta get rough wit' her--

LOL, breaking up is hard to do. I admire your persistence. Damn them Stitch Bitches. I still have 6 of his seeds. I'm in love with a couple Mephisto babes right now. And they know how to treat their man.

More'n I can say for this bitch...but the ones who give it up hardest give it up best, I reckon. Gotta put the hard word on her -- she don't know what she's in for come the weekend!
well done on the harvest man. The last few weeks have gone by so fast.
well done on the harvest man. The last few weeks have gone by so fast.

Yeah, they have man; but the waiting for the cure--that's the truly tough bit. Ever noticed how time sloooows down when you're hangin' for a nice homegrown phatty?!
Okay, got home early and couldn't wait for the weekend; got my bud over to get his photos and broke my foot off in this blueberry bitch's ass! She's supercropped and LST'd and bloody tamed. Gave my reversed Onyx to that Aussie blowhard so he can collect some pollen for me and got photoperiod down to 16/8. Put some picks of this bondaged bitch up in a few days when all her tips are reaching for the LED and she's looking puurty...
Show her who's boss, bro! Put that ass in check, and let her know her only option is to like it, cuz she's gonna give you what you want! BOSS!
As promised...

Stitch Blueberry at day 81. Super-muthuflunkin-cropped the shit outta this biatch! Knocked her down five inches (near enough to a foot in my little outfit). But, seriously, this thing is chewing up so much in nutes -- what in f-ck is she doing with 'em??!

20140831_201418.jpg 81days 31-8-14.jpg 20140831_201453.jpg 20140831_201508.jpg

She ain't straining against her bonds yet, but she will be. Photoperiod on 16/6. Let's see if it makes a difference--

Cheers y'all.
Payback's a bitch!

Ha!! Got my buddy finally pullin' his weight. He's got some nice pollen off my reversed Onyx gal and now he's come and collected my shorter Onyx gal and is gonna make me some fem Onyx beans! Mutterin' about his room being thicker'n a Japanese subway -- now he knows what I been dealing with with his bloody photos in my mini cab. I got so much room in my tent, the thrips (got a mild case off one of his damn photos) are running around butt-nekid in there like it's a toga party!
Still, neither of us can figure what the damn blueberry is doing with all those nutes--!!
Come on South. Waiting for an update.