Dutch Passion Think Big ...

Still tastes green but it kicks ass ... I'll look into the additive you mentioned ... :thumbsup:
Day 31 ... Think Big first 2 pics & Fantasmo Express last 2 pics ....


Current grow at 18 days ...

Now 31 days later at seven weeks ... 33" & 35" including the pot ...


This is a Nirvana Soil and Flower tab grow w/ 3-5 weeks til harvest ... I expect about 1/2# dry ...

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I use Nirvana Soil and Flower tabs for nutrition along w/ Calmag and an occasional supplement ... The Think Bigs in this thread are from Dutch Passion and generally produce more and run longer for others ... The Mephisto grow in my signature was pretty well documented but I don't get involved w/ ec/ppm any more than to ph my RO water between 5.75 and 6.75 ph ...
Oh, man, what a stupid question, to ask in forum "Dutch Passion Cannabis Seeds" if the TB are of DP, sorry, I´m a leattle bit stressed of work......should first calm down before doing posts......

First i have to do some research and translate about what you told me, sorry, but what does ....w/..mean