New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

Hey Hairy sorry to hear that your girls are still unhappy. When I mixed my soil the pH was down around 5.9-6.1. I added dolomite lime and the pH gradually came up to 6.7-6.8. The AN pH perfect nutes that I use, go in at 6.0-6.2. When I feed daily, the soil pH drops and comes back as the soil dries. So I am getting a daily pH swing of about 0.5 across the sweet spot. Don't know if this will help his time but might be good info for next time.

Good grow karma to you my friend!
Hey Hairy this link contains a couple of procedures to measure soil pH with a standard liquid pH meter. Results are still bit dodgy but I think the results are better than measuring the run off. Might do in a pinch til you get a proper soil probe.

Just remember to rinse the pH sensor very well in tap water. Then rinse again in DI water before you put it back in the storage solution.
Hey Ducky, thanks for ya concern,help and info but more importantly for being me pal, I never expected to get the girls to even this stage when I started, it was more me being impatient to start without the right gear and I would see how it went,me luck had to run out at some point,the sour crack still look good, well one of them lol, I just going to plod on as I was, taking any drastic changes based on dubious methods of pH accuracy would in my mind lead to possibly worse outcomes.
There are two seasons in Scotland: winter and July.
No worries Hairy Water quality instrumentation, control, electronics, electrical, and engineering all kind of fall into my realm so it's something that I know a little something about. Besides that's what AFN is all about. You know, pay it back, pay it forward, pay it sideways! lol Don't remember if the mentions it in the procedure, but since it is only marginally better than the run off method, I would do 3-5 samples of the same soil, test them all and do an average. Remember to give the sensor a good rinse with DI (de-ionized) water in between samples. Even the soil probes recommend doing an average of 3-4 measurements.

Yep I know what you mean. I got the opposite - Summer and January

Remember these words of wisdom Hairy - A friend will not laugh at you when you fall on yer arse. But a good friend will point their finger at you and laugh hysterically. After the fit of laughter has subsided, they will help you up, dust you off and take you down the pub fer a pint. lmao:grin:
How they looking today Hairy?

well the leafs coninue to yellow up and die of rather rapidly, she is looking limp in general ,going to go and get some water that i know the ph off today and flush her, strangly one of my sour crack is now showing sighns of nute burn at the end of its leaves, wtf they ain't been given anything really, anyways ille post pics tomorrow if i havent chopped her
Damn mate so sorry things aint going to plan, i am the wrong person to ask when it comes to deficiencies if i see something a bit funky i would just post it up here to identify it, have only ever dealt with calmg and even now am only 60% sure in identifying it. Worth remembering though if you are treating for calmg that it takes about a week to get some into the plant through the roots, so feeding some foliar every couple of days for that time will help get calmg in her quick, have linked up to the posts A4 made when he advised me on it.

She not done till she done so there is still hope yet and you got some great ideas here to go on, wish i could help more mate but fingers crossed here she pulls through it.
Hey guys, let me chip in my 5 cents.
If I ware you, I would go foliar spray and feed the cal mag to the roots at the same time.
The bio bizz got Alg A Mic in they range of products, which would do as foliar feed for Ca and another micro elements , add a bit of Epsom solts for Mg, and Bob your uncle. When watering as usual add extra dose of cal mag at the same time. This helped me with some cal mag issues as I use Mars II 700W LED light, so that deficiency was coming my way, and I was ready for it.
Give it a week to see how the plant is responding and start from there. If you need to up the dose, do it. Just watch the plant, good luck mate
Hey hairy, RE: that apparent nute burn, if it's on one of the lower, large fan leaves, it's not really nute burn
those just do that...don't equate that to too much nutes in the soil...hell, if you're having a lock out situation
in the soil, it's damn near impossible for it to get burned cuz nothing is getting in.

My 2 cents, I agree with Piotek that a foliar feed is in order...gotta get the plant some goodies while
the soil is getting figured out.

Good luck, Brother!