New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

Yea if it's really at 5, I would feed/water at 8.5-9.0
I believe flushingin soil needs 3x the pot size,not sure tho coz i use coco and have never flushed soil.
I can usually flush my coco with 2x pot size of water.
Thanks guys, since I already flushed and it seems not enough, and fed lightly and gave a foilar feed, I can only give her a rest and go again on next water and check, I think: I have found water as high as 8.4 in shops ,seems my latest pastime is checking water pH of bottled water, so I will get that in tomorrow and after next run off, if she still really low flush again, that's if she adjusts to all what's happened to her already, I cant help being a pessimist at heart but I am rooting for her
Wish I could help Hairy. Those are tough girls, hoping it sorts out.
Cheers pal, well you could come and live with me for a few months ta dail things in lmao,bring the dog no probs :)
Your doing all you can mate, just keep some food in her through the sprays and it will buy you some time to correct the soil problem.

Think you are on track with the flush, i am no expert but is what i would be doing in your situation. Would get some higher PH water and put the size of the pot through her and check the runoff (remember not to check runoff straight away let what comes out at the end of the flush sit for 15-20 mins before testing) and repeat till i got to a level i was happy with and then give her a full light feed.

Rooting for you and her mate lets see ya get through this.

:Sharing One:
Remember to foliar feed throughout the day end just before the lights goes down.
As my personal experience I have done foliar feed about 8 times through a day and plants loved it. So now before they start to flower spray the shit out of them, they will thank you for it. Somehow autos seem to love the extra cal mag and after applying, you will see them sticking they leaves up, almost like in the praing pose. Best of luck man
Almost forgot , flush is very stressful for te plant , if you want to help it , get RizoTonic and mix it together with the small dose of Epsom salts and Alg A Mic.
Rizotonic is helping with the stres and works as root stimulant, good staff.