New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

Sersi not looking as bad as i was expecting, she still got a great chance to make it.

Thought we might have seen something like this, see things coule be worse.

Heres rooting for ya pal.
lol pal, she does look better on camera than in real life for some reason ,and put her under the led she looks positively sickly, wish it was a few more weeks down the line for her but if i can get the soil under control and her feeding then should make it, it all happens so quick ya never know do ya, thanks for support pal.
Agree with spanglish my plants looked much worse and they made it through. I think she'll pull through alright mate :karma Cloud:
Agree with spanglish my plants looked much worse and they made it through. I think she'll pull through alright mate :karma Cloud:

Yeah i had autos my first year grown outside for 15 weeks, only fed cheap supermarket chemical fert in veg and bio bizz bloom in flower, starved of calmg and have hermie bits cut off every week and she still made it to a harvest was not much but these girls can really take it.
Hey hairy, the plants look not too bad, apart from that cal mag issue.
Up the dose, if you use plant magic magne cal+ use 2ml per 1L water, don't spray yours plants. I had my grow going way worst and still managed to end up with some good shit at the end.
I'm sorry for your troubles Hairy, but I bet you'll be happy with your self-produced weed, and quality matters!
Hang in there Hairy. They're not looking too bad. You'll get this sorted out
Sersi,(tyrone special) 17 inches tall,looking a bit worse for wear really, but she did look so good 7 days ago, she appeared to enjoy the spray, lol just read that last post not to spray in bloom, ahh well lol, going to let her continue to dry out now and take it from there,







Your ladies are looking great, Hairy! Good work, keep it up! And these ladies are going to be fantastic! :cool:
Agree with spanglish my plants looked much worse and they made it through. I think she'll pull through alright mate :karma Cloud:

Thanks pal

I'm sorry for your troubles Hairy, but I bet you'll be happy with your self-produced weed, and quality matters!

nice ta see you Grisu, your ladies are looking fab in that sunshine

Hang in there Hairy. They're not looking too bad. You'll get this sorted out

I'm hanging , I'm hanging,,now some one loosen this rope :)

Hey pal, you sure we looking at the same plant :) you changed name?

How they doing Hairy?

Well, the sour crack seem to be ok,although i think i dropped the ball again with spraying them, there pistols have turned orange already, i ain't sure how buds mature and fatten up really, so going orange this early a really bad sign? i aint sure# so il'e post another pic of them later and hopefully you can tell me, its been what a whole three days lol but they do look fatter' but the pistols changing at day 38 is a concern to me since they no more than small buds.

Now as for Sersi, i think the only thing keeping her green and going is the sprays, i took all the dead and dieing leaves off (defoliate or not to defoliate? well i chose too) and her stems are quite hard and thin, dead almost, she would take a nice picture today, but if she is still with us in a few more days is debatable, again i got no experience of these plants to fall back on, but me gut is saying its a matter of time, although i hope i am proved wrong.