New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

so hears a pic of the pistils , ain't sure if i toasted them with spraying or what, but seems strange to be this colored at day 38? but i wouldn't know anyways


Hey hairy, the bud look a bit stressed, back of a bit with the nuts, how often you water ?
Do you let her dry between watering and do you see some white spots on the leafs?
I had something similar to what seems you having, let her recover, don't give up on her
Hi pal, she has had hardly any nute's, she gets 500ml ish daily of bubbled water and only gets fed on the 4th day the other days is one day alg/mic the next topmax one day plain and then a feed again all with cal/mag and is dry when i water, i sprayed her with alg/mic the day before that pic which i think burnt the pistils a bit, the pic is from the stronger of my 3 so i ain't giving up on her :) they all have had ph probs down to me breezing through to day28 without bothering with the ph and well i was pretty amazed how much 1ml of grow and bloom drops the ph , noobie mistake, the other two are fighting along if albeit looking worse for wear,and i getting the soil ph up slowly a testament to Mephisto genetics that they sill with me.

Hey need4weed ille look into them apps,cheers
Alright, that's what I thouth. She is a little bit water stres along side everything else.
Let her dry out to the point the soil is dry about inch deep, stop the foliar feed (the problem had been corrected) and include cal mag in your feeding regime.
What is working for me :
I water when the plant needs water only do it is always different but about very 5 days, so I go feed, no feed, feed ,no feed and so on.
On young plants only water in week 2 I start with cal mag, week 3 add Epsom salts. I mix all nuts in the water I give to plants, don't split it for next day.
When the plant feels dry I use water with molasses. Wacht closely for white spots or discolouring it is sign of mag def so use Epsom salts.
Roots need oxygen on same level like water, don't suffocate them mate, but don't dry them out too. You need to find the balance and then they will flourish
She is almost tring to finish befor the time(if it makes sense) but she will come back....just wait
She is almost tring to finish befor the time(if it makes sense) but she will come back....just wait

She can finish as soon as she like to be honest, sour crack in the grows i have seen average out about day 60-62 though can be ready at day 55 here's hoping:) a fast finish would be great I'm gassssssssssssssping for a smoke but I'll be patient and let her do her own thing what ever day it is, i learned more in this week of troubles than all the rest so cant wait for next grow.
You have a harvest date yet or are you seeing how it goes ? Looks to me like the girls still have plenty of meat to add to their bosoms. Have you been checking the trichs ?
Hi cappy, yea ime weeks away, only day 42 today, so 3 weeks ish for the sour crack and who knows how long for the Tyrone
She can finish as soon as she like to be honest, sour crack in the grows i have seen average out about day 60-62 though can be ready at day 55 here's hoping:) a fast finish would be great I'm gassssssssssssssping for a smoke but I'll be patient and let her do her own thing what ever day it is, i learned more in this week of troubles than all the rest so cant wait for next grow.

Yea, I bet you want her to finish tomorrow, it's not gona hapen hahaha.
She didn't even started to flower properly... Plenty of time to go for her.
Give her time to recover and start over from where she stoped...
It will hapen, just wait....
Day 42 leeloo






she is my strongest girl and least affected by my ph probs, smallest of the bunch, but even now her small buds are like rocks, i need to give her a trim but were to start? its been a interesting week ,learnt a lot.

They all on different feeds and watering schedules now, to be honest i take it day by day to see what i give them, lol i bet some of ya are thinking they look great whats his prob, but i think pics are deceptive, perhaps i am being to critical at times also, i used to be a gravure printer/colour striker ,things were either right or wrong no margins in-between, anyways i need ta get these girls home before i drink myself ta death lol
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Day 42 Sersi,
she looks far better in pics than real life, she completely stalled out at the beginning of the week , alg/mic sprays did a great job in pulling her through, the ph is still low but i getting on top of it, hope she gets to fatten out