New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

Up your cal/mag gradually,if youve only been giving it 0.5ml/l and now you gave them 1.0ml/l,
see how they go with that.If it needs upped after that go to 1.5.
Up your cal/mag gradually,if youve only been giving it 0.5ml/l and now you gave them 1.0ml/l,
see how they go with that.If it needs upped after that go to 1.5.

Roger that pal
Foliar feed may be a help. Kelp solution and some Epsom salts (Thrive Alive "B" Green (or Red).

Baby Blue looked a little "blue" the other day and flushed her good and gave her a her a foliar spray. She seemed to like it. Just a two cent info info.
Is it just me, but do we chase def issues or do we just wait till they happen and freak out. I'm gonna give my girls a good flush every now and then. 1/2 strength of the nutrient solution and three times the container amount of pH'd water. It seems to refresh the system and they seem to like it. We all know what pH goes in and what comes out. We all know the proper pH for our medium and still get wacked by some issue. It's really the only way to get your girls back to normal. We are reluctant to do a flush until there may be an issue. Flush the roots with fresh nutrients and see.

Flushing is to me, recently anyway is Chicken Soup for Cannabis.
Is it just me, but do we chase def issues or do we just wait till they happen and freak out. I'm gonna give my girls a good flush every now and then. 1/2 strength of the nutrient solution and three times the container amount of pH'd water. It seems to refresh the system and they seem to like it. We all know what pH goes in and what comes out. We all know the proper pH for our medium and still get wacked by some issue. It's really the only way to get your girls back to normal. We are reluctant to do a flush until there may be an issue. Flush the roots with fresh nutrients and see.

Flushing is to me, recently anyway is Chicken Soup for Cannabis.

I wish I had all the answers pal, perhaps you have hit the nail on the head a good regular flush is beneficial? But what seems to work for one doesn't always follow from reading threads work for another,I have for some unknown reason a mindset against flushing,take for example a medium that is known to drop its pH, in fact you go out of your way to add lime for this eventuality and buy nutrients that claim to help build up a buffe in the soilr against pH fluctuations,flushing would only flush away everything you have built up in the medium to maintain a stable pH balance?I really need to get a decent pH soil probe, I don't trust the testing of run off, but like you say people always seems to have to resort to a flush when things go wrong,I like your analogy of chicken soup for cannabis,
Thanks for your input pal
I have been using my liquid pH tester the last couple of grows as well as my Milwaukee probe. I find the liquid is just as easy as the probe. We try to get into a range of pH; not to get it perfect. When I put the dolomite lime into the soil before planting at 1 Tablespoon per gallon. The pH OUT is rarely above 7.0 even when the IN water is pH'd at 6.3-6.5. Does this make sense? Even Technaflora suggests that we do a good flush at least every third week. Before going into FLOWER is a good idea too. Flush the plant with the correct FLOWER nutrients and then again during the FLOWER stage before pre harvest.

Going to use Root Organics on the next grows.

We grow autoflowers that are on a speed course to FLOWER as soon as they pop. Not much room for error. That's what makes us special in the Grow Cannabis Community. GO AUTO.
Whats the score this morning Hairy?
What actions did you perform on your girls?
Yes it makes sense Bayleaf you haven't smoked too much of that blue yet :)

Well the problem leaves continue to get worse, does not appear to be spreading and in general is a healthy girl, she has stopped growing in height :) i am wondering now if this response has been to the increased bloom nutes at her age of development or it may be the case it is the mag def, another strange thing is the leaves that are affected are the ones i would like to lose to let light in to the lower buds, she cant be that clever can she
Its a good sign that it hasnt spread to other leaves,so upping the cal/mag might have done the trick.
I understand your aversion to flushing,but sometimes its a must to save plants.
I dont think you need to flush as youve been feeding lightly,but just too lightly on the cal/mag.
Ive had similar with my vipar300 reflector,i had to up my cal/mag to 2.5ml/l.But im in coco,you shouldnt have to use that much,about 1.5 might do.But thats for you to find out what dosage they are happy with.