Indoor The wilma grows

little update on the tent, I think these 4 girls are now 17 days old
went onto week 3 feed this morning
8.5ml micro 8.5ml grow 4.5ml bloom and 6ml calmag per 10 litres of water

heres one of the bloody skunk

im happy with how these are going so far

and one of the cheese xxl

these are growing well too, was having some problem keeping ph stable last week and the cheese were showing it on there lower fans,
but the ph is staying around 5.8 now with no problem.

group shot- back row cheese, front row bloody skunk

Ive got 4 white widow xxl germing now and the second Wilma is ready to go
happy weekend dudes, have a good one
Looking great those bad boys, do you not have any issues with cleaning the tank between feeds or is it all simple stuff?
Hey mate i used to empty it an clean it out every week. But since ive started using house and gardens drip clean it doesnt need anywhere near that amount of cleaning.
Its a great product and it only takes 1ml per 10 littes of water
@Grim Reefer and @scally420 thanks dudes heres a quick update. didn't have time to take them from the tent
Day 25
cheese on the left bloody skunk on the right


got the second Wilma running now too and heres a little ww xxl at day 2

quite a few members growing this strain at the minute looking forward to seeing how it stacks up to the cheese xxl
have a good weekend