Harvest & Curing The time we all work so hard for. Achieving the Perfect Cure!

After 7 days I still open jars for 2 hours at morning and 1 hour at night. Hygrometer still at 62%.
I don't know how it supossed to smell, but when I open jars it has strong smell bump out. Then after I add buds back to jars smells like it should- like weed. Fruity.
Should I burp less often, like once per week? Because RH is at point. But smell isn't.

You can check my journal, I posted original post there. :smoking:
difference is chem grow in a bottle or organic in a bottle verses natural soil organics. big difference but with my organics(TLO) i burp little depending but on average I'll burp a robust strain for roughly a week at typically no more than 5-10 minutes a pop untill you can feel the edges get slightly crispy.lightly not straight crispy either then put em back and do it twice to three times a day for the first half of the week then taper of to twice the once by the end of the week if its been done right.
Today I received Boveda's. Do I need open jars from now on? How often?
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whatcha mean? burping them, yeah you should always be burping them when they are frsh from the vine/stalk and once you got your Boveda's stick one in there and contiune to do that. without boveda packs and the bud is still overly wet by a little ,it'll be more wet just prior to burping since what happens as it wicks or pulls the moisture without Packs. with packs it takes up the excess,which is what makes the packs so versatile and a solid product. makes the oldschool techniques of drying and burping in jars a LOT easier. LOL :D hope that helps. but yeah always burp them jars bro
Just started my first cure this morning after ready this! Great thread by the way my man, no doubt about it this has saved countless new comers and helped people get a suburb smoke when they had dried out hay, awesome stuff! +rep

Got a question though, My house hot a little hot yesterday, my popcorn nugs went crispy but not 100% dry, put it in the jar, 6hours later were at 57% RH, I also took a few big heads and jarred them, same amount of time but at 65% RH, was wondering if putting the popcorn buds in with the heads would do anything? Maybe even out the RH a little bit? Or should I just them leave it, it won't cure and I should shut up and smoke it?
What do you suggest? @FullDuplex
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Just started my first cure this morning after ready this! Great thread by the way my man, no doubt about it this has saved countless new comers and helped people get a suburb smoke when they had dried out hay, awesome stuff! +rep

Got a question though, My house hot a little hot yesterday, my popcorn nugs went crispy but not 100% dry, put it in the jar, 6hours later were at 57% RH, I also took a few big heads and jarred them, same amount of time but at 65% RH, was wondering if putting the popcorn buds in with the heads would do anything? Maybe even out the RH a little bit? Or should I just them leave it, it won't cure and I should shut up and smoke it?
What do you suggest? @FullDuplex

You've probably already smoked it all, but yeah, nothing wrong with putting the popcorn in with the colas.
Anyone dried too fast and then smoke those buds? How's taste? Shitty?
What I found about the curing process that I believe to be the most important part was "washing" after harvest before cure. I helps to cure cleaner and faster and improves flavor 100%. After 6 months of cure; the Sept harvest has been amazing and just keeps getting better. 65% bioveda is really key to keeping things fresh and controlled. I cure in largest mason jars with the bioveda.