Day 56 Update
A festive Boxing Day to you all...

The Ladies had a quiet Christmas day, left alone to their own devices they decided to grow !
Having not looked at them for two days, I can really notice the difference.
Bud production is in full swing.
The tent is bursting at the seams, time for a bigger tent (maybe I will grab something in the January Sales).
Buds are starting to pack it on now, Still taking up feed and water like a Alcoholic at a free bar event.
I think the additional Mammoth P they have been receiving is helping.
The Ladies have also been getting in the festive spirit, by developing loads of frost....
For 56 Days old, I am very impressed
Even the lower limbs are putting a finishing spurt on...
I am feeling confident, that if they carry on as they are (without any unforeseen hiccups), I should get a record Harvest.
The Pulse has been exceptional in monitoring the environment and assisting in dialing in the targets for this grow, I will 100% include this bit of Kit into my standard grow set up in future.
I have to say, keeping the Temps, Rh & VPD in the sweet spot is proving results.
Also, I am about to order some new AutoCob lights from
@BigSm0 for my next grow.
I can't wait to see what they can do.
Well, that's it for today.... Another party to go to.... A Hard life it is !