As it is I’m running out of space so in a desperate attempt to slow everything down all the Bubblelicious is getting stripped and taking a single clone from each one. I did strip a few before I took any pictures (well before I decided what I was going to do with them all lol). And below are just my notes on each one + quick pic. So they have been stripped up to between the 3rd and 5th node and then topped, I know it looks brutal and will take a couple of weeks to come back to life but I need them to stay vegging for the time being so it works for me.
Group Shot Before
Does have a smell not what I would call bubblegum , average root system, average hight. average stem thickness
Smells not very strong, average/good root system, above average height, thick stem, think it got a bit bent up when moving them all around but not to worry once the top has been taken they should all be similar height once again.
No smell, poor root system, poor height, skinny stem,
Overall not very impress with this one so no clone has been taken besides it was already too small if I took a clone it would never have caught up but based on vigour I only want to keep the best ones and will be eliminating various plant throughout veg. All of them will get flowered but if I can see it isn’t doing to well I am not going to keep a clone if I make a mistake I can always reveg if I find something interesting and didn’t take a clone.
Nice sweet smell not quite bubblegum just yet though, excellent root system, above average height, very thick stem
Smell quite strong quite sweet, excellent root system, above average height, nice thick stem
very strong sweet smell, average/good root system, above average height, thick stem red/pick/purple markings on stem
no smell, poor root system hope it can catch up later on, below average height, skinny stem, no cutting taken as it was too small
this is average all round smell roots height all average clone still taken just incase
another average plant all-round its just average clone still taken just incase, scratch that looks like I might have got a bit over zealous with the razor not sure if this one will recover very little left on it but we will see.
nice smell something a bit different about this one but still sweet, good root system, above average height, nice thick stem, extensive side branching
overall just average slight smell, poor/average roots average height, average stem thickness clone taken
I’m amazed its still alive lol nothing much to say about this one
below average no cut taken
average height average roots slightly above average stem the thing that got me with this one is the smell its so sweet it almost smells like bubblegum but not quite clone taken
might have taken too much but i have a clone and thats what matters today and getting them to a more manageable size
average sweet smell, roots are above average height is above average and stem is nice and thick clone taken